Funny Pumpkins

Beginner's Manual Eudemon Operation Eudemon Profile Maps/NPCs Items Monsters Skills Quest

Main Guide Top Boxer Wrestling Game
Roaring Fefnir Funny Pumpkins Magic Memory Annoying Mice

Duration Apr. 11th, 2010. (Time for claiming rewards: 20:00-21:00)
Rewards Diamond Medal, which contains 100 Divine Points
Limitation None, but each player can only claim the Diamond Medal once.
Location Cronus
Key Items

Pumpkin Seed

Demeter Pumpkin

Fabulous Pumpkin
Key NPCs Michael (Cronus 268, 482): Introduces the celebration and sends players into the Seraph Altar.
Demeter Servant (Seraph Altar 132,112): Sells the Pumpkin Seed and gives out the reward.
Pumpkin Carver (Cronus 265,391): Makes the Pumpkin Latern
Super Pumpkins in Cronus: gives players the fabulous pumpkins.

Detailed Walkthrough
1. On Apr. 11th, find Michael to enter the Seraph Altar. You can pay the Demeter Servant 3,000 gold for a pumpkin seed.

2. Grow the seed in the flowerbed near Caitlin in Cronus (307, 522) and you will get a mature Demeter Pumpkin.

3. Take the mature Demeter Pumpkin and find Pumpkin Carver in Cronus (26o, 395), who will carve the Demeter Pumpkin into a Pumpkin Lantern.

4. After you get the lantern, you can claim a Diamond Medal from Demeter Servant on Apr. 11th 20:00-21:00.

5. Moreover, talking to a super pumpkin, you will get a fabulous pumpkin which is really funny. Each player can have 2 fabulous pumpkins at a time. By right clicking on the fabulous pumpkins, you can read some jokes.