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Necro Knight

Knights of the Round Table
Tactician Acrobat Squire Knight Cavalier Templar
Dervish Guardian Cleric Lancealot Resurrector Necro Knight

Necro Knight

'Necro Knight' is the title of the most legendary figure, Tristan, in the Knights of the Round Table, which symbolizes a kind of profound and mysterious power. Once being appointed as a Necro Knight, the Eudemon will be able to protect its master from continuous attacks. The more stars the Eudemon has, the better chance the master will be immunized.


If your character is a Necromancer and your Necro Spirit has reached 10-Star, you can appoint one of your Eudemon as Necro Knight.

Necro Knight

Click on the ‘Appoint’ button and all available candidates will appear.

There is no bonus BP added after the appointment of Necro Knight, however, you will has up to 70% chance to be immunized from continuous attacks if the appointed Eudemon has high enough quality.

Necro Knight