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Legion Eudemons

New expansion "Trumpet of the Legionnaire" is coming, which will bring Legion Eudemons of 6 types! It's teamwork time and everyone is needed! Yes! You are wanted!

Legion Eudemons

These new Legion Eudemons are developed at the basis of Legions. Since you can't compose them or use EXP Balls and Reborn Spheres on them, the development is totally free of charge!


1. Summon: The Legion Leader is the only one who can summon and allot the Legion Eudemons. They can be allotted to the Legion members (full members of at least Level 50) by the Legion Leader, and each member can accept up to 1 Legion Eudemon, at most.

Legion Shrines

2. The Eudemon Recipients can summon and converge with the Legion Eudemons, in the Market or Legion War.

Legion Shrines

3. How many Legion Eudemons of a certain type can be summoned is decided by the level of your Legion and the Legion Shrines.

See the next page for more details about the Legion Shrines.