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Eudemon Profile - Saint Dragon

Warrior Eudemon Mage Eudemon Universal Eudemon LoveFall Eudemon
Super Eudemon WarriorRex & WarriorNeil SaintDragonPolo Mounts
Pixie Divine Eudemons Astral Eudemons Flying Mounts
Eidolon O Watcher Oren Legion Eudemons Necro Eudemons

These Eudemons are so rare and mysterious that nobody knows what their strength or growth rate is. Its max attack is also unknown. The mystery surrounding these Eudemons fills their enemies with fear. Their loyalty and valor is unquestioning.

Max HP Min P-atk Max P-atk Max P-def Min M-atk Max M-atk Max M-def
290 99 99 99 85 99 92
An omnipotent Eudemon. It can be composed with Eudemons of the same type (except for major composing). You can buy one from the shopping mall. When its luck is under 100, you can use it to perform luck composing with a UniversalO or UniversalXO.

1. The initial form of Saint Dragon
2. The second form of Saint Dragon
3. The final form of Saint Dragon

All the information is in compliance with the gameplay.
Please refer to the gameplay for the latest update.