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Daily Quest - The Treasuries

Event Time Workshop: Starts 20:00-22:00 everyday
Treasuries: Starts 12:00-12:30 and 20:00-20:30, Saturdays
Requirement Level 70+
Location Cronus
Key Items
Large EP Bag
Right click to open and get 500 EPs. Untradeable, it will disappear if dropped.
Medium EP Bag
Right click to open and get 100 EPs. Untradeable, it will disappear if dropped.
 Small EP Bag
Right click to open and get 20 EPs. Untradeable, it will disappear if dropped.
 Gold Key
Used to open the Gold Box at 12:00 - 12:30 and 20:00 - 20:30 on Saturdays. It will disappear if used or dropped. Untradeable.
 Silver Key
It's used to open the Silver Box at 12:00 - 12:30 and 20:00 - 20:30 on Saturdays. It will disappear if used or dropped. Untradeable.
 Brass Key
Used to open the Brass Box at 12:00 - 12:30 and 20:00 - 20:30 on Saturdays. It will disappear if used or dropped. Untradeable..
 Mystic Key
Used to open all the boxes. It will disappear if you fail to open the box.
Used to exchange for the keys needed to open boxes. Untradeable, it will disappear if dropped.
Key NPC Mystic Dealer (Cronus 305,552)

Brief Walkthrough
1. Between 20:00-22:00 every day, the Mystic Dealer (Cronus 305,552) will send you to the workshop.
2. Kill the Caterans for the Goods.
3. Bring back a certain amount of Goods to Aesop or the dealer and swap them for keys. You will also gain some bonus EXP as reward
4. At 12:00 - 12:30 and 20:00 -20:30 every Saturday, enter the Treasuries and use the keys to open the boxes for EPs.

Detailed Walkthrough
The Mystic Dealer (Cronus 305,552) has appeared in Cronus and asks you to do him a favor. Some Caterans have occupied his Workshop and robbed him of his goods. (You can use the Path Finding to find the Dealer: click PathFinding -> Cronus Quests -> The Treasuries).

Between 20:00-22:00 every day, he will send you to the Workshop, a non-PK zone, and you can't summon Eudemons or cast spells either. Kill the Caterans and their stolen goods will automatically go into your inventory.

When you kill your first Cateran in the Workshop, you will receive a Workshop Scroll. It can send you back to Aesop.

Collected enough goods? Then speak with the Mystic Dealer or Aesop for the keys and EXP rewards. There are 4 kinds of keys: Gold Key, Silver Key, Brass Key and Mystic Key, each are used to open corresponding boxes. Once used, they will disappear.

Mystic Key is special. It can open all kinds of boxes, but not with 100% success. It will disappear if it fails to open the box. Good luck!

It's 12:00/20:00 on Saturday now. The gate to the Treasuries is open. Bring the keys, enter the Treasuries, find the boxes and click on them to get the EP bags.

Pay attention to the time, the Treasuries will be closed at 12:00/20:30 on Saturdays. Want more EPs? Then work hard and try again tomorrow.