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Sunday Events - Number Guessing

Astral Card Collection Smash Golden Eggs Weekend Auction Number Guessing

Quest Time The 4th and 5th Sunday of every month
Main Event: 20:00 - 22:00
Little Game: 20:00 - 24:00
Rewards Moon Box, God's Blessing[PP], Moon Blessing[PP], Eudemon Eggs, Gems, Reborn Spheres, Luck Potion +1[PP], and more.
Requirement Level 30+
Location Cronus
Key Items
Number Guessing Coupon
Prize of the Number Guess Event. Swap the coupon with the 3 Awarders for rewards.
Number Guessing Guess Note
A note with a string of strange numbers. Right click to open.
Number Guessing Number Guessing   Number Cards 0-9
Swap them with any Number Guess Specialist for rewards.
Key NPCs Teleporter Mills (Market 339,604)
Number Guess Specialist A-J (Market 340,600)
Mystery Elder (Randomly appears in the Labyrinth)
Alesa (Labyrinth 289,289)
Bella (Labyrinth 362,607)
Card Swapper - Moka (Labyrinth 362,613)
Ashera (Market 344,589)
Primary Awarder Adola (Market 344,589)
Secondary Awarder Auxerre (Market 350,589)
Advanced Awarder Alcina (Market 356,589)

Brief Walkthrough

1. Talk with Mills (Market 339,604) or Assistant Richardson (Market 324,604) for the details.
2. At 20:00, claim a Guess Note from Mills. She also provides the service of sending you into the Labyrinth, until 22:00.
3. Collect the cards dropped from the monsters in the Labyrinth. If you have got enough cards in the map, you can ask Guide Alesa to send you out.
4. Submit the Number Cards to the specialists A - J. Remember, each of them will randomly pick a number from 0 to 9. If the Number Card you submitted is correct, you will get more Coupons from them.
5. After guessing all of the 10 numbers correctly, the next round will start, and the specialists will pick the numbers again. This main event will last until 22:00.
6. If you have some useless cards, you can also play little games with Ashera, Bella and Moka, before 24:00.
7. The Coupons you get from the event can be used to swap for prizes with the 3 Awarders. The more Coupons you have, the better rewards you can get!

Detailed Walkthrough

Open the invitation and find Mills, who will tell you the event rules and rewards.

Number Guessing

When the event starts at 20:00, you can talk with Mills again and ask her to send you into the Labyrinth. Before that, don't forget to claim a Guess Note and clear your inventory for more cards!

Number Guessing

Hunt the monsters and bosses for the key items – the Number Cards. If you are strong enough, you can find the Trail General and defeat him, and then earn even more cards.

Number Guessing

While walking in the Labyrinth, you will see a Mysterious Elder appear randomly. Talk to him, you will find some secret. It would be a good idea to memorize it, it could end up helping out a lot!

Number Guessing

Number Guessing

Though the Labyrinth is open for 2 hours, you should hurry when you have collected all of the cards. Time is money, but here, time is coupons! If you get tired, you can ask Alesa to send you back to Cronus.

Number Guessing

See the Number Guess Specialists around Mills? They have picked 1 number as their number. You need to submit the correct Number Cards to them for the Coupons.
Take the Number Guess Specialist A for example:
Now, you don't know which number she has picked, but you can try your luck and guess. Talk with her and submit a Number Card you have. Enter the number.

Number Guessing

Aha! It's the correct number! As the picture below shows, if you are the first one who guessed her number, you will receive 40 Coupons. Then, the correct number will be show on her head and on the Guess Note.

Number Guessing

If you submit the Number 0 Card to her after her number has been guessed, you can get 2 Coupons. What will happen if you submit a wrong number? You can still get 1 Coupon, as a consolation gift.

Number Guessing

If you are the first one who submitted all 10 numbers correctly, you will win the big prize - 400 Coupons! After all the numbers have been guessed, the specialists will pick a new set of numbers and a new round will begin. You can do this event until 22:00.

Number Guessing

Before 24:00, you can also use the Number Cards to play little games with Ashera, Bella and Moka.
1) Moka (Market 362,613):
You can submit 2 useless Number Cards to him for a random card he has.

Number Guessing

Number Guessing

2) Bella (Market 362,607):
Give her one Number Card to play Small or Big. You'll guess If you guess it correctly, you will receive 4 Coupons in return.

Number Guessing

3) Ashera (Market 344,589)
After giving Ashera 1 Number Card, she will show you 3 signs. If the 3 signs are the same, or contains a $, you will get Coupons as a prize.

Number Guessing

After getting enough Coupons, you can swap them with Adola, Auxerre and Alcina for rewards: a Moon Box, God's Blessing[PP], Moon Blessing[PP], Eudemon Eggs, Gems, Reborn Spheres, Luck Potion +1[PP], and more. All of them are waiting for you!
The more coupons you have, the better rewards you can get! Some of the rewards are limited, so you better be quick!
1) Primary Awarder Adola (Market 344,589)

Number Guessing

2) Secondary Awarder Auxerre (Market 350,589)

Number Guessing

3) Advanced Awarder Alcina (Market 356,589)

Number Guessing