2011 Thanksgiving Day - The Barbeque

Beginner's Manual Eudemon Operation Eudemon Profile Maps/NPCs Items Monsters Skills Quest

The Auction Thanksgiving Feast The Barbeque Gobbler Eggs

Event Time Nov. 24th -Nov. 28th, 2011
Rewards Double-Exp Time, Eudemon Eggs, a large amount of Experience
Limitation Level 50+
Location Outside Cronus
Key Items The Barbeque
Thanksgiving Invitation: You're invited to join in the fun Thanksgiving events! Right click to read.
The Barbeque
Drumstick: The material for barbecue.
The Barbeque
Gobbler Wing: The material for barbecue.
The Barbeque
Gobbler Meat (M): The material for barbecue.
The Barbeque
Gobbler Meat (L): The material for barbecue.
The Barbeque
Campfire Plate: A plate which can bring you to the corresponding campfire. Right click to use.
Key NPCs Chef Segolene
Cronus( 155,494 )

Brief Walkthrough

1. Talk to Chef Sgoln (155,494) to purchase drinks and seasonings. You can also swap the baked food and eggs for prizes, there.
2. The grand campfire in the centre is only for Gobbler Meat (Large). Bring it to Ms. Thanksgiving (161,488), and she will give you 1 hour of double EXP time!
3. Right click Yummy White Egg, Yummy Wing, Yummy Drumstick, Yummy Meat (s), Yummy Meat (M) and Yummy Meat (L) to get a Gobble Dinner. You can swap the roast food, yummy food or Gobble Dinner for a prize from Chef Segolene.

Detailed Walkthrough

Delicately prepared food and time with missed family members, all great things to look forward to on Thanksgiving Day! Come to the Barbeque! Segolene, the chef, sells the best seasoning and ice cold beer.

The Barbeque

You will get all kinds of barbecue materials by hunting for gobblers in the Gobbler farm.

The Barbeque

Add the Seasoning twice to get Yummy grills, or they will end up tasting bad.
Miraculously, it takes only 5 minutes to finish cooking.

The Barbeque

Take Gobbler Meat and White eggs to the campfires and roast them in the Barbeque. Oh, the grand campfire in the centre is only for Gobbler Meat (Large).

The Barbeque

Ms. Thanksgiving is collecting Yummy Meat (L) for this event. One Yummy Meat (L) for 1 hour of double EXP time. You may exchange once per day.

The Barbeque

After getting Yummy White Egg, Yummy Wing, Yummy Drumstick, Yummy Meat (S), Yummy Meat (M) and Yummy Meat (L), right click on any one of them and you will get a Gobbler Dinner, which can be exchanged for a better gift with the Chef, Segolene.

The Barbeque

Chef Segolene needs a lot of Meat during Thanksgiving Day, take Roast and Yummy food and go to him for rewards. You can also offer the Yummy Meat (L) TO Ms. Thanksgiving next the chef. She won't let you down! But she takes that only once a day. Don't bother her too much.

The Barbeque

After you put food on the campfire, a campfire plate will automatically appear in your inventory. Right click it and it will take you to the campfire where your food is being cooked.

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