Location |
LuarIsland |
Rewards |
You can exchange Bunny Coins for gifts from Carlos in Cronus (312,404)
The gifts includes: 19*UniversalXO 12*UniversalXO, 8*UniversalXO, DoubleExp Potion |
Key NPCs |
Jonna, LuarIsland (441,411)
Marry, LuarIsland (435,415)
Anna, LuarIsland (435,410)
Carlos, Cronus (312,404) |
At the Weekend, a perfect time for a ball party! To enter LunarIsland, where the ball party will be held, talk to Carlos in Cronus (312,404)
Jonna, the once top dancer in the kingdom, is holding the big party for everybody.
You must have noticed the 16 flashing lights on the floor on the improvised dance floor. They are the 7 different notes of a certain scale. After somebody orders dance music, dancers should step on those lights according to a certain sequence within 1 minute. If your sequence is right, you'll receive dance points.
The dance points decide your dancing title. And the better your title is the more difficult dance music you can order. You can be a Rock Star and be envied and worshipped by others!
When the melodious music is on, move and try to step on the right flashing lights!
While you are stepping on a right one,
And while you are stepping on a wrong one, you will be burned!
What can you do with dance points?
You can exchange dance points for a Bunny Coin from Jonna.
20 points for 1 Bunny Coin. Fair Enough?
With the Bunny Coins, you can exchange for a Red/white rose from Mary and red roses for fireworks from the cute little girl Anna beside Mary.
If you are tired, ask Mary to send you to lunar platform and take a rest.
Btw, talk to the little Angels around the dance floor, they can be quite generous and may even give you a Bunny Coin for free.
Carol also has some amazing gifts for you. First Come, first served.