[Tip] Market And EP Tips
Author: Tawney Time: 11-20-2006 Views:

This all might be obvious to most veteran EO players, but I still see people making a lot of simple mistakes in the Market.

Almost everyone`s goal on EO is to gain a lot of EPs, correct? Well, if you follow these steps, you`ll be sure to slowly build up a nice, big stockpile of EPs.

First of all, any equipment you find, refined or above, save. I can`t tell you how many times I`ve seen people just drop their refined equipment like it`s worthless. Wrong! It`s worth at least one EP towards your collection.

When you find a refined item, go to the Market and make it into a Eudemon Crystal. I find people are more likely to buy a crystal for EP, rather than refined equipment. You can sell that crystal for 1 EP. It may not seem like a lot, but if you keep saving those refined items and selling them, it`ll add up.

Sell Unique and Elite items for the lowest price you can afford. As for me, I sell Elites for 20 EP and Uniques for 5 EP (this might only be relevant for the < LA server). If they have a +number beside them, sell them for maybe... 5 EP more. If they have a socket, add another 100 EP. If they have a gem, add the price of the gem in as well. 

Another note: EquipmentScrolls are your best friend for boss drops. When you kill a boss monster (meaning the ones you find with a LVL beside their name), sometimes you can get quite a hefty drop of equipment and stones/gems. I guarantee almost all the unidentified equipment you get from that drop will be Elite.

The identifier in the Market tends to break things when they`re above refined, so head over to the ShoppingMall and pick up some EquipmentScrolls. For 1 EP each, you`re making a profit if you manage to identify 5 elite items (and selling each for approx. 20 EP!).

Tips for Peddling

Try to get a spot closest to the top of the market, where all the main action is. If you can`t get one right at the top, try to get a corner spot near the top. Location is everything! The cost of gold for the spot you choose is nothing compared to the action your spot will get.

Side tip: If you don`t usually pick up the gold monsters drop, it`s time to start! Especially if you`re at a higher level. A good drop from a Yeti will give you 20k (average of 2500g per pile), so start picking up that gold.

Try to set up shop right before you go out. If you have a job or school, set up shop before you go. Even do it before you go to bed! The longer your shop is up, the more you`re likely to sell. Just be aware of daily maintenance and how much gold you have with you when planning when to leave your shop up.

I hope this guide was helpful and good luck with your EP collection!

- Tawney, LA Server

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