Tired of buying eudemon scrolls or paying 10k to kwon how good a eud is? well I honestly recommend you keep doing so but if you want to save some money and you have the time to calculate your eudemon`s attributes on your own read on.
This equation is used by the game to calculate your eudemons stats
IniStat + StatGrowRate * (eudLvl - 1)
For example your eud has 20 iniHP, 12.5 HPGR, and its lvl 34, its total HP would be:
20 + 12.5*33 =
20 + 412.5 =
432 (round to the lowest integer)
Now what is the use of that when what you need to know the GR and not the total which you can check any time (if your eud already evolved)? Using some basic algebra you can solve for the GR so you have an equation for the GR
total = ini + GR * (Lvl - 1)
total - ini = GR * (Lvl - 1)
GR = (total - ini) / (Lvl - 1)
Buying scrolls is way faster, so just pay for the grading unless you are totally broke.
P.S. The GR is a decimal number and since the total stats are rounded to integers you will lose the part of the GR that comes after the decimal point, this make little difference but if you really want to know the exact GR value buy a scroll