Recently i notice that alot of peoples posting on "Open Beta Bug" forum about mentor exp bugs but they weren`t bug, they just didn`t know how to use there mentor exp, so i made this topic to explain how dose it work.
u must power level newbs from 1 - 40 after adding them as apprentice. When they start self leveling, u start contributed leveling exp and the rest explain more.
1. is the mentor exp: the exp u get while leveling peoples lower than 40
2. is the amount of exp u can move to your leveling exp, so just input what written here, but u must know if u had 100,000,000 exp in 2, u must have 1,000,000 on 1 to be able to use them because every 1 mentor exp = 100 leveling exp, and i hope that help.
if u need more help, whisper AncientWizard or WeeKEnDWaRRioR on LV server.