Event Time: Jan. 12th 0:01 am to Jan. 14th 24:00 PST
Have you ever heard of a story about magic girl Florrie and her cute eudemons? Sound familiar? Right! That`s all about the Love Fall quest! Now this quest is available again in this weekend! Finishing the following steps, the lovely eudemons will be yours!
- HeavenSinger will reappear in Cronus in this weekend. She will tell you a romantic story about Florrie, and ask you to find pearl bags from Airelves.
- Keeping the story in mind to find Airelves, answer the questions regarding the story, and collect the peal bags.
- After collecting the 7 peal bags, create or join a full team with 5 members (all should take 7 pearl bags) to visit HeavenSinger again, and she will send you to the RoseHall.
- In the rose hall, ask the maid to make the pearls into a wristlet, and then Archangel will send you to Florrie.
- Florrie will give you a eudemon as a reward of wristlet, and send you back to Cronus.

With the cute appearance, those eudemons are the best gifts for eudemons lovers! We would like to remind you of that the quest is the only way to get the eudemons for free, and the quest is repeatable! Don`t lose the chance any more. |