Who comes to Yartland during the Love Fall? It is the Heaven singer, and what does she bring?
What will all the players get since all of them fall deeply love with eudemons online? And it is for free?
Where are the new yellow creatures hiding? I have seen one in Cronus, are there any others in YartLand? And when can I see Florrie, the magic girl in tale?
Please follow these steps, and enjoy the LoveFallˇ®s pleasure.
1. You may see HeavenSinger comes to Cronus, talk to her, and she will tell you a romantic story. It is about the magic girl Florrie.
2. HeavenSinger tells you to find Airelf, and the elf will ask you question, if you give she a correct answer, you will get a pearl bag, otherwise...

Where are the Airelves, in Cronus? Icyland? MistyMarsh? Or...

3. Collect all the 7 pearl bags, then create a team with 2 members (including the leader), and both of you should have 7 pearl bags, visit HeavenSinger again, and she will send you to the RoseHall.

4. In the rose hall, ask the maid to make the pearls into a wristlet, and Archangel will send you to FlorrieLake.

5. Finally, you meet Florrie, after a short dialogue, she will give you a eudemon as a reward, and send you back to Cronus.

All are Free, enjoy the pleasure of ˇ®Looking for Florrieˇ® with your lover, and get your new cute eudemons. |