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Orb Composing

Orb Composing Agate Composing Soul Composing

As everyone should be aware of by now, composing is an important aspect to raising and using Eudemons. Now, there is a new type of composing method in Eudemons Online. This will allow you to add up to 1,000 points to your major Eudemon!    

Eudemon Type
Duration of Composing
Univeral0 UniversalXO Blue Orb(0=< ORB Points =< 300) Stars>=29 Stars, Level>=70
Green Orb(301=< ORB Points =<600) Stars>=35 Stars, Level>=70
Golden Orb[Stage 1] (601=< ORB Points =<900) Stars>=40 Stars, Level>=70
Golden Orb[Stage 2] (901=< ORB Points=< 1000) Stars>=55 Stars, Level>=70
Others Blue Orb(0=< ORB Points=< 300) Reborn Times>=5, Level>=50
Green Orb(301=< ORB Points=< 600) Stars>=20 Stars, Level>=70
Golden Orb[Stage 1](601=< ORB Points=< 900) Stars>=35 Stars, Level>=70
Golden Orb[Stage 2](901=< ORB Points=< 1000) Stars>=55 Stars, Level>=70

When your eudemon can be orb composed in the Eudemon Altar, move your mouse to the icon  and the following lines will be displayed:

Eudemon Altar can be activated by clicking on  :


The number of minor Eudemons used is determined by the Composition Orb's duration of composing. Input Major Eudemon; requirements for Minor Eudemon will be displayed. Click on the' Orb Compose' button, the major Eudemon's orb points and reborn times will be added, and its level will go back to level 1.

When you finish one orb composing, move your mouse to   beside the Eudemon Avatar and you can check its current duration of composing.

You can also check Eudemon's quality details with the help of Nels. As you can see, orb points are an important part of the Eudemon's quality.

Now, a new type of composing method has come in Eudemons Online. This will allow you to add up to 1,000 points to your major Eudemon!