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Forging System

General Introduction Gem Embedding Gem Removing Gem Combination
High Bonus Forging Special Repair The Treasures in the Mine Divine Equipment Forging
General Introduction

Forging system is a feature of the game. A nice gear brings to its owner both powerful attack and defense. What's more, the name of the forger will be written on a super gear. (Link: Items )
Click here for the forging tips shared by DraGonAttAck from NewYork server.

Key factors

Every equipment has its own level; you can only equip it by reaching the required level. You need a violet stone to level up your equipment. A super violet stone can guarantee a successful up level.

An equipment of the same level has different qualities: normal, refined, unique, elite and super. You need a red stone to improve the quality of your equipment. The name of the forger will be recorded in the gear after a super gear is forged. A super red stone can guarantee a successful upgrade.

Equipment of the same level and same quality still have different bonuses, which will influence the overall properties of the equipment. You need a yellow stone to add bonus on the equipment. If successful, the bonus will add one point, on the contrary, one point will be deducted. (But if your current bonus is 0, 9 or 12, it will not decrease even if the forging fails.) A super yellow stone can guarantee a successful bonus added.

Sockets and gems
There are certain probabilities of making sockets in the equipment when its quality is upgraded successfully. Equipment with sockets can be inserted with gems, which can endow extra bonus to the equipment. During up leveling a equipment, a socket may appear at a extreme low rate. You need 3 red stones to make a socket on a weapon and 10 red stones for the second socket. To make the first and second socket on a non-weapon gear, you need a moon box and a super moon box respectively.

Special effect
When the quality of equipment is improved to be super, it's likely to get a special effect, which may improve the effect of certain skill or activate the skill in certain condition.

Fight soul (F-soul)
The equipment gains fight soul level at a very rare rate. The higher the fight soul is, the more powerful the special effect is.

The Forging and Upgrading of Equipment
You can forge your equipment at the Market. Every NPC specializes in one particular craft.   The Upgrading of Equipment You need a Violet Stone to upgrade the level of your equipment.

Quality Forging

You need a Red Stone to improve the quality of your equipment. The name of the forger will be recorded in the weapon after every successful quality improvement. If you made super equipment, your name will be recorded in the weapon and passed around with the weapon in this magical world forever.

Magic Soul Upgrading

You need a Yellow Stone to insert magic soul into the equipment and upgrade it.

Notes: if successful, the magic soul will plus one, on the contrary, one minus. (But if your current magic soul level is 0, it will not decrease even if the upgrading fails.)

War Soul Upgrading
The war soul level is upgraded by war soul accumulation, according to how long your equipment has been online.