Take Your Legion Eudemons Out for Adventure!
In the Trumpet of the Legionnaire expansion, Legion Eudemons and Mounts can only be summoned in the Market and the Legion Land. We know how desperately you want to take these awesome Eudemons out to hunt, and now your wish will be fulfilled in this coming update on Feb. 22nd!
Five Small Legion Eudemons Available
There are the Light Guardian, Fairy Olivia, Tidal Guardian, Flame Guardian, and Earth Guardian that will be available for you to use. These Eudemons are not offered in the Shopping Mall, and are not tradable. You can only get them from your Legion! They're also composable and upgradable!
Exchange Contribution for Small Legion Eudemons
Only Legion Contribution can be used to trade for a Legion Eudemon. You're unable to summon more than 1 Legion Eudemon of these five types at the same time, except in the Market. The more you donate, the more Eudemons you can swap!
Never stop the hard work of collecting the elements for your Legion. You can swap for these Legion Eudemons, and also get other rewards in return!
Click here for more detailed information about other upcoming features!
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