Rewards for Legion Members to be Added!
In the Trumpet of the Legionnaire expansion, collecting element resources is the only way to level up the Legion Shrines, which allows you to summon more Legion Eudemons and Mounts. But Legion members might feel less enthusiastic about doing this important job, since it feels like there's no personal reward. However, some of the Legion Leaders have their own ways of encouraging their Legion members, and for them we've got some good news: Legion Rewards will be added in, very soon!
- Claim Free Elements
The junior and higher members can claim free elements, everyday! You can claim more elements as your Legion level goes up! - Get EXP in Return
All Legion members get bonus EXP for donating the four elements to the Legion! Donate more, get more! - Priority Selection
In this new update, you can apply for and get your favorite Legion Eudemon! Although the number is limited, you can stand out with your contributions to the legion!
Click here for more detailed information about other upcoming features!
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