Credit a Code, Get a Gift!
Now the festival season is truly upon us! Christmas has arrived at our door steps and a brand new year is just around the corner! To celebrate the arrival of the EO's new expansion and the joyful holidays, EO will be hosting a rewarding event for our players! Credit a Code, Get a Gift! No matter if you are an old friend or a new comer, you're sure to get some presents!!
Newly registered players, during this event you will receive a Demon Bag which includes PPs (5-50pps) if you credit 1 TQ Point Card A to your account after you have created a character. (About PPs)
For current players, you will also gain a chance to get a Wonder Demon Bag to claim gems or other rewards for the first time you credit 1 TQ Point Card B during this event.
Moreover, any player who credits 1 more TQ Point Card A will be able to get an additional Grace Demon Bag and have a chance to win 25-star SaintXO, 19-star SaintXO, 12-star SaintXO, or 99 Roses etc. Each account can receive up to 10 Grace Demon Bags every day.
You can claim your prizes from NPC Lorraine (Cronus 215,629).
Duration: Dec.25th, 2009 (0:00 PST) - Jan.8th, 2010 (23:59 PST)
Event Page:
Newly Registered Players
Current Players
Credit a Code, Get a Gift - FAQ
P.S: Events for return players will be launched on Jan.2010. Stay tuned for more news!
Merry X'mas and Happy New Year!
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