Eudemons Online Review in 2008
In the world of Eudemons Online--a free-to-play MMORPG, you can command your heroes and eudemons to adventure through the vast lands of Atlantis, and challenge the power of sword and magic. Despite the unique eudemons, forging, mentor, family and legion systems, Eudemons has also released some 6 new features, 10 new eudemons, 5 new quests and 1 new fantastic class Paladin in 2008 to enhance the highly interactive arresting gameplay. New Features 1. Knights of the Round Table The Knights of the Round Table were the most noble and chivalrous of all the knights in King Arthur's court. Different stories had different numbers of knights.In Eudemons Online, there are 11 knights: Tactician, Acrobat, Squire, Knight, Cavalier, Templar, Dervish, Guardian, Cleric, Lancealot and Resurrector. You can appoint your eudemons as Knights of the Round Table, and seize this opportunity to follow the knights' code of chivalry! 2. Castle System A castle is not a simple home for you to sleep; it is actually a new start-point of your adventure since you will have your own land and people. Along side with the development of castle and land, more and more people will feel happy and blest, and you will also gain special services, Exp, and even potency in your castle! 3. Orb Composing Nobody will fight alone in Eudemons Online, for the eudemons will be your strongest support! To grow with their master and even help their master to fight against the monsters, eudemons can be composed via 5 ways: Main Attribute composing, Sub-Attribute composing, Initial Attribute composing, Luck Composing and ID composing. In May, a new composing method, Orb Composing, has come out. It can allow you to add up to 1000 points to your major Eudemon. 4. Mannequin You can have more than one character per account. Unbelievable? It's true in Eudemons Online. Level 51-100 accounts will be able to have three 'mannequin' characters, while level 100+ accounts will be able to have four. So, you can puppeteer your extra characters to do such things as store more items or send it off to do the tasks that you feel are below the integrity of your main character. Thus, we call it your mannequin character. 5. Celebrity Hall Celebrity Hall, for courageous and reputable heroes only, is a place representing honor and power. As the name would not suggest, you may murderously attack anyone you so wish to. Prepare yourself, enter the Celebrity Hall, challenge those whose Battle Power is not 50 higher than yours and build you own statue after the champion. 6. VIP Services Being a VIP in Eudemons Online, allows you to enjoy 18 VIP services. The higher your VIP level is, the more services you will have access to. Use Eudemon warehouse instantly anywhere without running through other cities, take part in the lottery at anywhere at anytime, store items in the warehouse while hunting monsters...All these convenience can become a truth if you are a VIP. New Class----Paladin After two years of anticipation, the Paladin class was finally released! Paladin, after the long await, finally revealed all its secrets in June. Paladins have their own eudemons-Pixie; Paladins can fly after appointed the pixie as Lancealot in the Kinghts of the Round Table; Paladins can transform the once feared opponent into a defenseless slow moving turtle; Paladins can give life to the player that just been killed. What else can a paladin do? Just found by yourself. New Eudemons Eudemons, as mentioned above, are good partners when you are exploring through the world of Eudemons. To give our sincere players more choices, 10 more eudemons (Vanquisher, Valkyrie, Imogen, Benvolio, Ophelia, Mercutio, Scrunch, Sizzle, Bane Jabberwock and Dread Jabberwock ) are released in Eudemons Online. Like other eudemons, all of them have different shapes, different styles and different properties. But they have 1 same thing: the loyalty to their masters. New Quests Eudemons also provided many trilling and wonderful quests. Brave heroes and daring adventurers are needed to fight against the dangerous devils in the 4 new quests: Abyssal Palace, Netherhalls, DarkCastle and the Return of Saxis. Even a hero will feel tired. Why not take a rest and take part in the Trivia Contest to show off your worldly wisdom. No weapons, no levels; just knowledge. Eudemons Online never stop growing.What will be added in the near future? Courtships, class PK tournament and much, much more... Let's wait and see. |
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