We are happy to announce that patch 1049 will be released on March 07, 2007 at 15:00PM PST (GMT-8). With this patch, you can enjoy the new features and quest as below:
Warehouse Password You can set a warehouse password to protect your characters, items and eudemons. Nobody can steal them even if he/she knows your account ID and password.

New Quest If you are level 125-129, you can participate in the Cronus Defense quest. You will be rewarded with rich experience once you complete the whole quest.

Shopping Mall (Market 281,470) The following items are available for selling at Shopping Mall (Market 281,470): 1. Mounts: RubyDino and Shapphire Dino 2. Super Eudemon Books for RubyDino and ShapphireDino 3. Casual Dress: Golden Wings and Silver Wings
