Have once been hacked by the evil scammers, or being afraid that your characters/items might be scammed one day?
Do not worry any more. Amy (market 287,465) can ensure the security of your characters and items. Find her to set a warehouse password for free of charge. With this type of password, your characters and items will be well protected. Nobody can access your warehouse or do anything on your items even if he/she knows your account ID and password.

NPC Amy (market 287,465), safeguards your items, and also manages your warehouse password.

The Requirements for setting a warehouse password A warehouse password consists of 0-9, a-z and A-Z, only 1-9 characters in length.

The benefits from your Warehouse Password Nobody can access your warehouse even if he/she knows your account ID and password. Your characters, items and Eudemons will also be well protected. If a player does not know your warehouse password, he/she is unable to access your warehouse, delete your characters, or do anything on your items and eudemons including trading, selling, dropping or auctioning them.

Reset/cancel your warehouse password Amy (market 287,465) will ask you to input your current password first.

Forgot your warehouse password Please submit your details at the account issues page.
By the way, Amy is going to offer this speicial service after the next patch. |