Yvaine delivered logs. It wasn`t her favorite thing in the world but it got her good armor and some weapons. Yeah it took long to reach IcyLand by foot, and the PKers were everywhere, waiting outside the portals. Hoping she`d drop the 1 mill she was carrying. But the reward was kinda worth it Some days she`d get lucky and travel safely to IcyLand, but today was different.
Chapter 1: The Knight in RoseLoveBird
Outside the darkmarsh portal were two players seeming to mind their own business. Yvaine carried on. Suddenly her WarriorCute, WOOO! was taking damage. Her heartbeat hastened.
Not Again. Noobs.
She thought. It seemed WOOO! Could handle it.
"Waddya think ur doing?"
Then his other team member came, clad in Royal Attire. His super sword making Yvaine nervous.
Oh no. this guy`s not a noob.
His name flashed blue and white as the slashes from Flying Chop were hurting WOOO! Delivery girls were always the best targets for PKers, it took them a while to use portals, and doing so they would drop the logs worth 1 mill, and if they don`t they`d still lose. The PKer was a sure winner. The two would split the 1 mil and the armor she was carrying in her bag.
Yvaine just gave up. It was just a matter of seconds before��A star?! There`s a star in the map! A heroic BGM seemed to ring in Yvaine`s over-imaginative mind. or was it iTunes playing some cheesy song? Nightlord one of her friends from before came to the rescue. He and his 6-star MageAtkDef were like her heroes. His, MageAtkDef, Superwoman made Yvaine`s computer monitor flash with pretty blue and red colors. The PKer fell back and retreated. Yvaine couldn`t wait to trash-talk!
It was too late for WOOO! But at least Yvaine was okay.
"r u ok?" Nightlord said.
Yvaine could feel the blood rush to her face as she typed:
"Yea. But my warriorcute died... :("
"let me help u revive. Party?" he typed.
He`s nice.
-End of Chapter 1-
Chapter II - Yvaine Heap: Something Surprising.