Buy And Sell Eudemons Through Purchase Platform
Take too long time to purchase a favorite eudemon? Want to sell a eudemon but don‘t know the best selling price and can‘t find a satisfied buyer? It would be very convenient if there is an agent who can offer the desired information in time? From now on, all your troubles will go with wind. Let the Eudemon purchase platform do all these things for you. This platform will be your great assistance in buying and selling your eudemons.
If you want to publish your eudemon purchase information, you can find Auctioneer at the market (254,605). The system will charge 5 percent of the purchase price as the commission. For example, the system will charge 35 EPs if the purchase price is 715 EPs). The minimum commission is 3 EPs or 250,000 gold. You must pay the purchase price and commission to the system once the purchase information is successfully published.
After you successfully purchase a eudemon, the purchased eudemon will be moved to your auction warehouse no matter you are online or not.
When other players are hatching the eudemons, the system will automatically check if there are desired eudemons for you, moreover, if other players are performing the 1st evolution, the system will also automatically check if the evolved eudemon‘s growth rate and luck meet your purchase requirements. If the system finds an eligible eudemon, the eudemon master will receive a purchase message. If the owner agrees, the system will pay your purchase price to the owner.
For example:
Player A has published purchase information for UniversalO. The required initial defense is 50 and the purchase price is 150. Player B also published purchase information for UniversalO, the required minimum initial defense is 60 and the purchase price is 100.
At this time, Player C has just hatched a UniversalO with initial-defense 65. The system finds that this UniversalO meets the buyer‘s purchase requirements. The system will check all the eligible buyers and give the best buyer (who offered the best price) to the owner. In this case, Player A will be the best choice.
The system send a message to notice Player C that a buyer wants to buy his/her UniversalO, the purchase price is 150. If Player C doesn‘t agree, no actions will be performed. If Player C agrees, the system will pay 150 to Player C and put Player C‘s UniversalO into Player A‘s auction warehouse. This deal is done.
If there is no free space in Player A‘s auction warehouse, this purchase will not be performed.
You can change your purchase information at any time you wish. There is lowest price limit. If your purchase price is too low, you can‘t publish your purchase information.
Publish Steps:
1. Select what you want
2. Click Purchase Eudemon to publish your information
3. Select the desired eudemon and stats
4. You can also click Select to choose the desired eudemon
6. You can click + and - to set the desired stats
7. Enter your purchase price
8. Click My Msg or Check My Msg to check and change your purchase information.
9. When you want to sell a eudemon, you can click Sell Eudemon to check if anybody wants to buy such eudemon.
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