In order to establish a much fairer and more enjoyable Eudemons World, we have permanently banned over 20 accounts for using Speedhack in the past 3 days. Those players were still violating the rules since we announced the ban alarm on Jan. 5th.
We would like to take this time to remind our players that the use of any third-party tools may cause character information to be altered, erased, or personal information to be leaked to unwanted third parties. If you come across a third-party tool over the Internet, please refrain from the download of such a tool, no matter how minor it may appear to be.
We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
The Botters List:
LasVegas Moarta, daddz, Xiaoyu, ~CrezcentNinja~, death00, -The0ne-
New York chec2, warrio_man, totto, clan..j..ardon, wel, McFoRcE
LosAngeles -The_One-, ~Kahn~, -Kaupa-, XeNnOn
Toront satanas666, HeadShooter, Morphine, GodSlayer
London Dragon, Fyremyre, wapak
Sydney -_-DanteBladez-, Adeeb, Stasher, HERO, kittybaby