Over 100 players have been banned for 10 days for using Speedhack in Eudemons Online. Speedhack is a kind of bots that could enable abnormal speed-up movement in the game. This cheating behavior has broken the end user agreement and is unfair to other players. From now on, using any pattern of third party software (bots, etc) will lead to a permanent ban. Once you find any bots being used in the game, please feel free to contact with us. We really appreciate your kindly help!
Moreover, we will continue to severely monitor all EO servers in order to protect the service and players from the harmful effects of cheating. Please note that selling EO items/accounts/game money for real money will also result in a permanent ban of the involved accounts.
The Botters List:
New York Server: seba, SauRon, LordOrion, TeddyBew, EpiphonE, Kaidu, )-(ell-,§oldier, BAMF-inKoolAid, kakashi-~, narutoxx, Tidus_, 2134567dsfg, ^momo^, Mage_Rick, Vietnamese, [/]ightJvlar3, ~Katara~, #67#68, Darth_VadeR, idums, kekeke, DrAGoNStYLe, pederson, Gods-Ruler, Link_ LinJunJie
LasVegas Server #59CooL#59, @??crack, Adventure_Zone, aZnFuRyDrAgOn, AzNfUrYdRaGoN, Bacon^Bitz, C3rt1f13dBad2ss, DcOde, DeathMistress16, Doublehit, InsaneBane, Last_One, Matis, MikeBones, RogersSucks, Sethiroth, ShhhItsMe, Silmarillion, thinkerrbell, Warrior_Of_Hell, whatever, XiaoAngel, Zeiss
Sydney Server DUfire, Kittybaby, uberlucker, Titan, juice, redneck, Wealth, KurosakiIchigo, Kitty_Kat, Reko, Jay-jack, <--G-Hot-->, Pen,` eratrearearae, Unequal, Anakin, [SIP][O][NON]
London Server #56Briggette#56, #57, #80, ~~^^Red-orE^^~~, 8REX8, 9SAINT9, Agro, Archzz, AztecRose, baiton, Blaster, DarkFrost, DrAgOnOfDoG, DrAgOnOfPiG, Eggs-Keeper, Gawd, GiRlOnE, H0TG4L, London, LordShadow, Marketeer, mitsui, NooB, PaladinGirl, Pepper, Venomous, watfad, Yondaime
Los Angel Server 123321453, 456789852, *125521753*, ~~*Fee*~~, ~ClouD~, Amaon, cant_attack_me, hoden, IgorKarkaroff, kenna, L0P3?, LMAA, Mage_Magic, Marvin, Meli, Nephthys, Samurail0, SlN, Zeul_Soare
Toronto Anti-Warrior, Brandonsc, damage_inc, Dimple, Epnoob1, FairyDust, Gloreh, -Glory-, Gruid, Gunit, JiaJay, ledzeppi, Lotus~Blossom, MaC, MacDan, Manrug, Mythos, Phoe, rosane, Sarah-Mae, Senji, Uols, Warrior4win