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Eudemon Rank Server Steam

0-Cost Purchase & Holy Blaze Giveaway

2025-02-24 00:00:00

Shop Assistant Rhea will be in Cronus from Feb. 26 to Mar. 8, 2025, selling a variety of goods.

Not only are they incredibly affordable, but from the day of purchase until Mar. 24, 2025, adventurers can also receive a certain amount of EP rebate from Rhea once a day, until the full purchase amount is returned!

By the way, heroes with the Savior Radiance Divine Fire can claim the corresponding Holy Blaze Divine Fire based on the slot and star level of their equipped Savior Radiance.


0-Cost Purchase

Purchase Time

After maintenance on 2025.2.26 - 3.8 23:59  [Server Time]

Rebate Time

After purchasing - 3.24 23:59  [Server Time]


• You can purchase an item from Shop Assistant Rhea [Cronus 350,376], and you can claim the EP rebate of that day from Rhea.

• And then once a day on the following days, until the full purchase amount is returned!

• Each player can only choose 1 item to purchase.

• Players' level >=90


Goods Quantity Attribute Introduction Price (EP) Return EPs every day Return days
Heart Flame Sun Box 1 Untradeabl Open to randomly get the Fire Chest that contains Psyche Radiance or Holy Sun Chest.  1800 120 15
Heart Flame Moon Box 1 Untradeable

Open to randomly get the Fire Chest that contains Psyche Radiance or Holy Moon Fire Chest. .

1350 90 15
Heart Flame Star Box 1 Untradeable

Open to randomly get the Fire Chest that contains Psyche Radiance or Holy Meteor Fire Chest.

900 60 15


Please refer to the game for the event rules, specific items and other content!


Holy Blaze Giveaway


After maintenance on 2025.2.26 - 3.26 23:59 [Server Time]


From Feb. 26 to Mar. 26, 2025, heroes with the Savior Radiance Divine Fire can claim the corresponding Holy Blaze Divine Fire based on the slot and star level of their equipped Savior Radiance.

For a quick power boost, click the letter "Holy Blaze Giveaway" in your backpack and head to Cronus and find Envoy Levi!

Please refer to the game for event rules, specific items content, etc.!