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Eudemon Rank Server Steam

July Music Festival Preview

2024-06-28 00:00:00

Waves of music are coming, let's rock the summer! Join us in welcoming the July Music Festival in Cronus!

The music festival will kick off on July 10th. Stay tuned!


CS Soundwave Ranking

► Duration: 2024.7.10 - 7.31 23:59 [UTC-8]

►  In July 2024, Festival Envoy Blaise will host the Beach Music Festival in Cronus City. 

► The top 10 on the ranking can win precious rewards such as Royal Splendor Packs and Ancient Crystal Boxes I!

Ranking Rewards

Ranking Rewards
No.1 No. 1 on the ranking will receive 1 Royal Splendor Pack, 1 Ancient Crystal Box I, 5 Legend Ancient Stamps, and 10 Luxury Moonstone Bags.
No.2-3 No. 2-3 will receive 1 Rosy Splendor Pack, 5 Legend Ancient Stamps, 1 3-star Candle Select Chest, and 5 Luxury Moonstone Bags
No.4-5 No. 4-5 will receive 1 Golden Nocturne Pack, 10 Splendid Ancient Stamps, and 2 Luxury Moonstone Bags
No.6-10 No. 6-10 will receive 1 Golden Dance Pack, 1 Mount Tomb Secret Chest, and 2 Luxury Moonstone Bags.

*Please refer to the game for specific event rules and rewards.

Display of Appearance Items

Royal Splendor (Female)

Royal Splendor (Male)

Rosy Splendor (Female)

Rosy Splendor (Male)


Soundwave Sale

► Duration: 2024.7.17 - 7.31 23:59

► Heroes who have reached level 50 can visit Item Envoy Fort to exchange forrare treasures like Ancient Crystal Box I,  3-star Candle Select Chest, etc.

► The Appearance Envoy also brings rare appearance items, such as the Elegant Glamour Pack.  Hurry up and check them out!

Display of Appearance Items

Arcade Elite Neon

Arcade Elite

Gilded Dream

Jasmine Boat

Crystalline Dream


Soundwave Wishing Pool

► Duration: 2024.7.10 - 7.24 23:59

► Heroes who have reached level 50 can meet Soundwave Trendsetter Ruby and use EPs to make wishes in the Soundwave Wishing Pool.

► Upon making wishes, you will have a chance to win precious rewards such as L80 Divine Fire Seals, Ancient Crystals Boxes I, Ablaze Lotus Soul Boxes, and additional Soundwave Coins (B)

Display of Appearance Items

Ablaze Lotus Soul

Scented Lotus Soul

Refreshing Melody(F)

Refreshing Melody(M)

Hearts Entwined(F)

Hearts Entwined(M)

Music Festival Rebate

► Duration: 2024.7.10 - 7.17 23:59

► You can receive Soundwave Coins (B) during the event by purchasing the EPs packs.


*Please refer to the game for specific rules and rewards for the above events.