Race to Win EPs and Collect Big Prizes!
Will you get to the finish line when this Halloween comes? Come join the race! Take as many steps as you can, and the top one will get 5,300 EPs! What's more, you can smash pumpkins, and tons of prizes are ready to be claimed all along the way. Click here to check it out!
Duration: Oct. 10th - Oct. 31st
- Level 50+ players can move forward 40 steps and smash a pumpkin to look for Elite equipment and Eudemons when you remain online for at least 3 hours, each day.
- All players can credit TQ Cards to earn extra steps. Each $1 = 20 steps. The chance to smash a pumpkin will only be available on the day you credit your TQ Cards.
- Once you have reached a prize marker, you can claim the corresponding reward.
- When the event is over, the top 3 players who have taken the most steps will be awarded 5,300 EPs for 1st, 2,650 EPs for 2nd, and 2,700 PPs for 3rd.
- Click "Current Gains" to check your current prizes.
- You must logout once each day, before 24:00 (PDT), so that your online time can be calculated by the system.
- Online time will be counted ONLY for the time between each normal login/logout period. This means that if you logout of EO by any other means, your online time may not be accumulated correctly. Reasons for accidental logouts include server maintenance, power outages, loss of network connection, etc.
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