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Abandoned Land - Deity's Love

Summer Beauty Show Monster Awakening Deity's Love
Deity Temple Hunting Fairyland's Treasure Holy War Ruins Eudemon Lair



April 20th - April 27th, 2016.


Blue Badge


Level 50 or above


Once a day


Hanging Garden, in the Abandoned Land

Key Items:

Silver Sword

Imprison Rune

Ward Rune

Shining Crystal

Silver Fragment

Rainbow Rose

Blessing Cirrus

Rainbow Garland

Star Crown

Key NPCs:

Greta, the Blue Robe Flamen, Abandoned Land (712,508)

Sleeping Miris, Abandoned Land (716,495)

Sleeping Lorthier, Abandoned Land (702,495),

Green, the Abandoned Land's Transit Envoy, Abandoned Land (89,299)

Famir, the Queen's Envoy, Cronus City (304,402)




1. Go and find Famir (304,402) in Cronus City, from April 20th - April 27th. She can help you enter the Abandoned Land.

2. Talk to Green (89,299) in the Abandoned Land. Find Greta (712,508) with the help of Green.

3. Speak with Greta. She will tell you more about Miris and Lorthier. Then, head out to search for their special keepsakes.

4. Place the keepsakes you find with the Sleeping Miris (716,495) or Sleeping Lorthier (702,495) to awaken them, from April 20th - April 26th.

5. After Miris (713,501) and Lorthier (710,501) awaken on April 27th, you can still look for their keepsakes, and they will give you additional prizes.