New Class: Star Sage Unveiled

Introduction Story Skills



The divine child who roams the stars!

Stars light up the eternal night.

They are guardians against Eternal Night.


Aurora Starorb, Eternal Starlaw, Mindflow Universe

Initial Eudemon

Starry Deer Aura (Mount)

Long ago, when the Star Sage was entrusted with the mission to fight against the Eternal Night, the Starry Deer Aura was born from the Sea of Stars. As a celestial guardian, Aura wields holy protective power, steadfastly following the Star Sage to defeat evil and safeguard eternal hope.

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New Boy & Girl figures, featuring new outfits, hairstyles, faces, and avatars.

No Bonding Eudemon for this class. You can summon up to 3 Eudemons (2 Super and 1 Non-super).

Magic, Ranged Attack.

In addition, Star Sage features exclusive main storyline quests.

Star Sage Video

*More information about new version will be released soon. Please stay tuned.