Knights of the Round Table
Tactician | Acrobat | Squire | Knight | Cavalier | Templar | Dervish
Guardian | Cleric | Lancealot | Resurrector | Necro Knight | Successor
[Tactician] Title:
• It symbolizes wisdom and experience. The Eudemon with this title will increase its owner's EXP. The better the Eudemon's quality, the more the EXP gained.
[Tactician] Requirement:
• Character level 20 (All types of Eudemons can be appointed as the Tactician).
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Tactician] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Tactician] Tips:
• After [Tactician] is appointed, you will get 1 BP and more EXP according to its quality.
• If your Eudemon is below 1-star, only Warrior, Mage AtkDef, Pixie can be appointed as Tactician. The bonus EXP is based on the Eudemon Level.
Eudemon Level (below 1-star)
Bonus EXP
• If your Eudemon is above 1-star, all Eudemons can be appointed as Tactician (including Warrior, Mage AtkDef). When your Eudemon is 1-star, the EXP you gained will be increased by 10.5%, and the bonus EXP will increase with the star level, up to 50% (70-star).
[Tactician] Effective Ranger:
• When the Eudemon is below 30-star, the bonus effect is only effective for leveling up.
• When the Eudemon is above 30-star, it is effective on using EXP Balls and trading stones for EXP.
• When the Eudemon is above 40-star, it is effective on increasing EXP for Friend and Mentor systems.
• When the Eudemon is above 50-star, it is effective on Offline and Online Trainings.
[Acrobat] Title:
• It symbolizes the power of thunder. The Eudemon with this title will increase its owner's jumping ability. The better the Eudemon's quality, the stronger the jumping ability.
[Acrobat] Requirement:
• Character level 30.
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Acrobat] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Acrobat] Tips:
• After [Acrobat] is appointed, you will get 1 BP and can jump according to its quality, even jumping during delivery and in special areas. (Press CTRL and left click to jump.)
• All mounts can be appointed as Acrobat. Your character's Stamina will be consumed with every jump according to its quality. (Your normal Stamina is 100. It will be 150 if you have God's Blessing.)
Eudemon Star Score |
Consumed Stamina |
Delivery (Jump Times) |
Special Areas (Jump Times) |
>=100 |
25 |
0 |
0 |
>=500 |
20 |
0 |
0 |
>=1500 |
16 |
0 |
0 |
>=2000 |
12 |
2 |
1 |
>=2500 |
10 |
3 |
2 |
>=3000 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
>=4000 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
>=5000 |
3 |
8 |
7 |
>=6000 |
2 |
10 |
9 |
>=7000 |
1 |
15 |
12 |
Special Areas: Market, Legion War maps, PK Tounament maps, and Family maps.
[Squire] Title:
• It symbolizes the spirit of fighters. The Eudemon with this title will increase its owner's BP. The better the Eudemon's quality, the more the BP gained.
[Squire] Requirement:
• Character level 70; Nobility Rank: Baron (all Eudemons can be appointed as Squire).
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Squire] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Squire] Tips:
• After [Squire] is appointed, you will get 1 BP and more bonus BP according to its quality.
Eudemon Star Score |
Bonus BP |
>=200 |
1 |
>=600 |
2 |
>=1000 |
3 |
[Knight] Title:
• It symbolizes the fighting will. The Eudemon with this title will increase its owner's BP. The better the Eudemon's quality, the more the BP gained.
[Knight] Requirement:
• Character level 80; Nobility Rank: Viscount (all Eudemons can be appointed as Knight).
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Knight] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Knight] Tips:
• After [Knight] is appointed, you will get 1 BP and more bonus BP according to its quality.
Eudemon Star Score |
Bonus BP |
>=1000 |
1 |
>=2000 |
2 |
>=3000 |
3 |
[Cavalier] Title:
• It symbolizes light. The Eudemon with this title will increase its owner's BP. The better the Eudemon's quality, the more the BP gained.
[Cavalier] Requirement:
• Character level 101; Nobility Rank: Count (all Eudemons can be appointed as Cavalier).
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Cavalier] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Cavalier] Tips:
• All Eudemons reaching 10-star can be appointed as Cavalier. After [Cavalier] is appointed, you will get 1 BP. Besides, you will receive 1 bonus BP for every 10 stars higher. When the Eudemon reaches 75-star, you will receive 1 bonus BP for every 5 stars higher.
[Templar] Title:
• It symbolizes eternity and perfection. The Eudemon with this title will increase its owner's Stamina. The better the Eudemon's quality, the more the bonus Stamina gained.
[Templar] Requirement:
• Character level 105; (Warrior P-Def, Mage M-Def, Warrior MdefPdef can be appointed as Templar).
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Templar] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Templar] Tips:
• After [Templar] is appointed, you will get 1 BP and bonus Stamina according to its quality.
• 1-star [Templar] will increase 1 Stamina Point; If the Eudemon is of 30-star or below, you will receive 1 bonus Stamina Point for every 1 star higher. If the Eudemon is above 30-star, you will receive 3 Stamina Points for every 1 star higher. The max bonus Stamina is 150 points (when the Eudemon reaches 70-star).
[Dervish] Title:
• It symbolizes judgement and decisiveness. The Eudemon with this title will increase its owner's attack. The better the Eudemon's quality, the more the attack.
[Dervish] Requirement:
• Character level 90.
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Dervish] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Dervish] Tips:
• After [Dervish] is appointed, you will get 1 BP and up to 70% bonus attack according to its quality.
• 1-star [Dervish] will increase attack by 1%. Then every 1 more star will increase the attack by 1%, up to 70% (when the Eudemon reaches 70-star).
[Guardian] Title:
• It symbolizes protection. The Eudemon with this title will reduce its owner's damage received. The better the Eudemon's quality, the less the damage received.
[Guardian] Requirement:
• Character level 90.
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Guardian] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Guardian] Tips:
• After [Guardian] is appointed, you will get 1 BP and up to 70% damage reductionaccording to its quality.
• 1-star [Guardian] will reduce damage received by 1%. Every 1 more star will reduce damage by 1%, up to 70% (when the Eudemon reaches 70-star).
[Cleric] Title:
• It symbolizes salvation and new life. The Eudemon with this title will increase its owner's Max HP. The better the Eudemon's quality, the more the bonus HP.
[Cleric] Requirement:
• Character level 90.
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Cleric] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Cleric] Tips:
• After [Cleric] is appointed, you will get 1 BP. 1-star [Cleric] will increase the Max HP by 0.5%, up to 120% according to the quality of the Eudemon.
[Lancealot] Title:
• It symbolizes sanctity. The Eudemon with this title will increase the power of Paladins' light spells. The better the Eudemon's quality, the stronger the power of light spells.
[Lancealot] Requirement:
• Paladin of level 20 or above (only Warrior Rex/Warrior Neil can be appointed as Lancealot).
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Lancealot] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Lancealot] Tips:
• After [Lancealot] is appointed, you will not receive bonus BP, but reviving skills according to the quality of the Eudemon.
[Resurrector] Title:
• It symbolizes mystery and finality. The Eudemon with this title will cast advanced dark spells and increase the power of Paladins' dark spells. The better the Eudemon's quality, the stronger the power of dark spells.
[Resurrector] Requirement:
• Paladin of level 20 or above (only Pixie can be appointed as Resurrector).
• Click on the [Appoint] button on the interface and all available candidates of [Resurrector] will appear on the right. You can choose Eudemons according to the effects.
[Resurrector] Tips:
• After [Resurrector] is appointed, you will not receive bonus BP, but other skill effects according to the quality of the Eudemon.
• After Pixie of 5-star or above is appointed as [Resurrector], you can learn flying skills.
[Necro Knight] Title:
• "Necro Knight" symbolizes a kind of profound and mysterious power. The Eudemon with this title will be able to protect its owner from continuous attacks. The better the Eudemon's quality, the better chance the owner will be immunized.
[Necro Knight] Requirement:
• Necromancer with 10-star+ Necro Spirit.
• Click on the [Appoint] button and all available candidates will appear on the right.
[Necro Knight] Tips:
• After [Necro Knight] is appointed, you will not receive bonus BP, but be immunized from continuous attacks. The better the Eudemon's quality, the higher the chance to be immunized (up to 70%).
[Successor] Title:
• "Successor" ;symbolizes the inheritance of family power. Only Baby, Spirit Micah, or Spirit Sadie can inherit this title.
• The Eudemon inheriting this title will increase BP for its mother or owner. The better the inheritor's quality, the more the bonus BP.
[Successor] Requirement:
• Character level 20; Baby, Spirit Micah, Spirit Sadie can be appointed as Successor.
• Click on the [Appoint] button and all available candidates will appear on the right.
[Successor] Tips:
• After [Successor] is appointed, you will get 1 BP and 1 bonus BP for every 10 stars higher.