Pre-quest for the Rising of Mage




Earth Amulet
This amulet collected from the Pillar of Earth can help you resist the freeze damage from the Artic Space.

Ice Amulet
This amulet collected from the Pillar of Water Spirit can help you resist the burn damage from the Wildfire Plain.


All servers


Character Level 85

Participation Limit



Cronus City

Key Items

Raw Earth Gem
This magic gem may connect you to the Alien Land and is also a necessary material for making the Pillar of Earth.

Raw Water Gem
This magic gem may connect you to the Alien Land and is also a necessary material for making the Pillar of Water Spirit.

Raw Fire Gem
This magic gem may connect you to the Alien Land and is also a necessary material for making the Fire Spirit Pillar.

Raw Wind Gem
This magic gem may connect you to the Alien Land and is also a necessary material for making the Wind Spirit Pillar.

Earth Essence
Collected from the Pillar of Earth. The 4 essences of Earth, Water, Flame and Air can make a Magic Element Crystal.

Water Essence
Collected from the Pillar of Water Spirit. The 4 essences of Earth, Water, Flame and Air can make a Magic Element Crystal.

Fire Essence
Collected from the Fire Spirit Pillar. The 4 essences of Earth, Water, Flame and Air can make a Magic Element Crystal.

Wind Essence
Collected from the Wind Spirit Pillar. The 4 essences of Earth, Water, Flame and Air can make a Magic Element Crystal.

Magic Element Crystal
This crystal formed by magic of the Four Elemental Spirit Pillars helps Mage turn into an Elemental Controller.

Void Rune
Use it to seal the Void Rift of the Alien Land.

Key NPCs

Pioneer Alpha (314,409)
Orc Tutor Ogrin (228, 279)
Water Warlock Sercy (228, 287)
Fire Warlock Celon (240,280)
Wind Warlock Arthurin ( 240,287)

Brief Walkthrough


1. Talk to Alpha (314,409) in Cronus City to learn about the Soul Contract and Elemental Spells.

2. Learning elemental spells requires a Magic Element Crystal. Go repair the four Spirit Pillars, Earth, Water, Fire and Wind, in order to collect corresponding elemental essences which can be combined into a Magic Element Crystal.

a. Talk to Ogrin (228, 279) in Cronus City. Ogrin asks you to rescue the Continent Spirit in the Forest of Death, and you’ll be rewarded with a Raw Earth Gem. Use the Raw Earth Gem to repair the Pillar of Earth and you will receive an Earth Essence.

b. Talk to Sercy (228, 287) with your Earth Essence in Cronus City. Sercy asks you to collect Ice Spring on the Frozen Plateau, then bring the Ice Spring to the Arctic Space to form a Raw Water Gem. Use the Raw Water Gem to repair the Pillar of Water Spirit and you will receive a Water Essence.

c. Talk to Celon (240,280) with your Water Essence in Cronus City. Celon asks you to ignite the Alien Altar on the Wildfire Plain, and you’ll be rewarded with a Raw Fire Gem. Use the Raw Fire Gem to repair the Fire Spirit Pillar and you will receive a Fire Essence.

d. Talk to Arthurin (240,287) with your Fire Essence in Cronus City. Arthurin asks you to go to the Wind Gallery and remove the sealing from the Column of Wind, then you’ll be rewarded with a Raw Wind Gem. Use the Raw Wind Gem to repair the Wind Spirit Pillar and you will receive a Wind Essence.

3. Combine the Essences of Earth, Water, Fire and Wind into a Magic Element Crystal, then take it back to Alpha.

4. Alpha asks you to go to the Alien Land and defeat Void Dominator Naberus.

a. Enter the Alien Land and talk to Alien Guardian Felix. Felix asks you to protect the Void Realm from being destroyed by the evil spirits coming from the Rift.

b. Void Dominator Naberus will appear after you eliminate 6 waves of evil spirits. Defeat Naberus to obtain a Void Rune.

c. Seal the Rift with the Void Rune. The challenge must be completed within 20 minutes, or you need to start over.

5. After you seal the Rift, Alpha will send you to the Spiritual Space where Asgard will help you sign a Soul Contract with the Elemental Spirit. After that, you’ll be able to transform into an Elemental Controller and cast more powerful Elemental Spells.


Detailed Walkthrough

Mages are undoubtedly characterized by the spirit of exploration. After thousands of years of research, they have finally discovered the secret of elements on the Alien Land. By signing a Soul Contract with the Elemental Spirit, Mage can get transformed into a controller of powerful Elemental Spells.

Pioneer Alpha was the first to master Elemental Spells. He has returned to Cronus with the secret of Soul Contract, and help more Mages to achieve the power of elements.

However, Alpha told you the four Spirit Pillars connecting to the Alien Land have been destroyed by the Void Dominator and could no longer produce essences for making Magic Element Crystal and learning Elemental Spells. To collect such Crystal, you have to repair the four Spirit Pillars with corresponding raw elemental gems. Under the direction of Alpha, you hit the road to find Organ first.

According to Ogrin, Raw Earth Gem is the key to repair the Pillar of Earth. You'll get this Gem after rescuing ten Continent Spirits who were imprisoned by the Void Dominator in the Forest of Death.

The Forest of Death has been occupied by minions of the Void Dominator. You need to eliminate them who may interfere with the rescue of the Continent Spirits. Besides, some evil spirits may disguise into Continent Spirit to attack you.

After rescuing 10 Continent Spirits, you received a Raw Earth Gem. When you repair the Pillar of Earth with this Gem, you are rewarded with an Earth Essence and also an Earth Amulet that helps resist the freeze damage from the Arctic Space.

Next you need to talk to Sercy who is worried about the destruction of the Pillar of Water Spirit.

Sercy said the Void Dominator infiltrated into the Frozen Plateau and stole the Raw Water Gem. This Gem now sealed in the Holy Ice Fountain is the key to repair the Pillar of Water Spirit. Sercy can send you to the Frozen Plateau where you need to collect Ice Spring to unseal the Raw Water Gem.

When you collect a bottle of Ice Spring, bring it to the freezing core of the Arctic Space to form a Raw Water Gem. The freezing core appears as a bright blue circle.
Don’t forget to take the Earth Amulet with you. This Amulet helps prevent frostbite on you in the Arctic Space.

The Ice Spring turned into a Raw Water Gem after absorbing extremely cold air 10 times. Use this Gem to repair the Pillar of Water Spirit, and you will receive a Water Essence and an Ice Amulet that will help resist burn damage of the Alien Flame.

Then, you need to find Celon, the guardian of the Fire Spirit Pillar. He has a very bad temper.

Celon told you the Fire Spirit Pillar on the Wildfire Plain has been destroyed by the Void Dominator. The devil taken away the Raw Fire Gem and extinguished the Alien Altar that produced Raw Fire Gems.
Celon asked you to collect Alien Flame on the Wildfire Plain first, so you can ignite the Alien Altar. Don’t forget to go with an Ice Amulet that greatly reduces burn damage on you.

When you collect 10 torches of Alien Flame, go ignite the Alien Altar and wait for a Raw Fire Gem to be forged in the fire.

Use the Raw Fire Gem to repair the Fire Spirit Pillar and you will receive a Fire Essence.

After repairing the Fire Spirit Pillar, you need to find Arthurin who will guide you to repair the Wind Spirit Pillar.

Arthurin told you the Raw Wind Gem was sealed in the Column of Wind. To lift the seal, you need to collect Blessing of Wind in the Wind Gallery where you may encounter terrific cyclone and fierce evil spirits. She advised you to avoid them.

You can collect Blessing of Wind by clicking on the special stones. When you have 5 pieces of blessing, you can unseal the Raw Wind Gem on the Column of Wind.

After repairing the Wind Spirit Pillar with the Raw Wind Gem, you will receive a Wind Essence, a material for making a Magic Elemental Crystal.

You’ve finally collected the Essences of Earth, Water, Fire and Wind. Open your Quest inventory, and right click any of the Essences to combine them into a Magic Elemental Crystal.

You reported back to Alpha with the Magic Elemental Crystal. Unfortunately, the Void Dominator has invaded the Alien Land with its devils through a weird Rift. The Elemental Spirits are in danger.
Alpha asked you to reinforce the Elemental Spirit against Void Dominator Naberus.

When you arrived in the Alien Land, you saw a flashing area and a guardian named Felix. Felix told you that flashing area is the Void Realm, the base of whole Alien Land.
You must protect the Void Realm from being destroyed by the evil spirits. If failed, all your efforts will be in vain.

Void Dominator Naberus finally appeared in furious rage after you eliminated 6 waves of evil spirits. Be prepared for a fierce fight and finish it within 20 minutes or you need to start over.

You defeated Naberus and received a Void Rune. Hurry and go seal the Rift with this Rune.

Your abilities have been evidenced through all these challenges. Alpha sent you to the Spiritual Space where Asgard would help you sign a Soul Contract with the Elemental Spirit. After that, you’ll be able to transform into an Elemental Controller and cast more powerful Elemental Spells.