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Equipment Redemption

Are you still lamenting the loss of equipment after an unfortunate defeat against your enemies in PK battles? Or hesitating to engage in combat for fear of losing your items when they get looted by others?

The Equipment Redemption feature not only enhances your PK experience but also alleviates your worries.

When a black-named player drops equipment after being PKed, the equipment will be seized by an NPC. The player whose equipment was seized must pay a certain redemption fee to retrieve it. The fee collected will be given to the player who killed the black-named player.

If the equipment is not redeemed within 7 days after being seized, it will belong to the player who killed the black-named player.

Note: Equipped garment will not drop. Besides, items equipped by black-named players will not drop when they are killed by guards.


[Reward Rules]

• Upon killing a black-named player, you will see a prompt of rewards on the left side when opening your inventory.

• The number of seized equipment depends on the PK value of the player killed. The higher the PK value, the more items are seized.

PK Value
Seized Equipped Items
100 - 299
Black Name
300 - 999
Black Name
1000 - 1009
Black Name


[Redemption Rules]

• The system will calculate the redemption fee based on the value of the seized equipment:

Item Value (EP)
Redemption Fee (EP)
Item Value <= 100
1,000 > Item Value >= 100
2,000 > Item Value >= 1,000
3,000 > Item Value >= 2,000
4,000 > Item Value >= 3,000
5,000 > Item Value >= 4,000
Item Value >= 5,000

• Players who were killed can talk to Requisitioner Clement (Cronus 158,351) within 7 days after the equipment was seized, pay the redemption fee, and retrieve their equipment.

• Click the "Redeem" button, confirm the redemption, and the redeemed equipment will appear in the character's inventory.


[Seized Equipment Retrieval Rules]

• Players who kill black-named players need to talk to Requisitioner Clement (Cronus 158,351) and claim their rewards.

• All types of equipment, including bound items and untradable items, can be seized. The handling of seized equipment is as follows:

Equipment Type
Normal Equipment
Can be seized, belongs to the killer if not redeemed within 7 days
Bound Equipment
Can be seized, belongs to the killer if not redeemed within 7 days
Untradable Equipment
Can be looted, recycled by the system if not redeemed within 7 days

• Please note that PK behavior in PK arenas, the Family War map, the Legion War map, and Prison will not lead to your equipment being seized.