Legion Championship Rule



No character-level restriction, but must be a Legion member.


20:00 to 20:45 every Saturday


All servers


Quartermaster Muche (CronusCity 240,444)
Legion Championship Specialist Garba (CronusCity 253,444)


Champion Legion prize, Merit reward, participation reward (More details are listed below)

Camp Purchase

On the day before the Legion Championship from 18:00 to 23:00, an Attacking Legion`s (Deputy) Leader can find Muche (240,444) in Cronus to buy a camp exclusive for the Legion.

How to Win

Attacking Legion: collect 200,000 Energy Points in 45 minutes;
Defending Legion: prevent Attacking Legions collecting 200,000 Energy Points in 45 minutes.

All Legions have set their sight on the Kings Battlefield where there are opportunities and threats. Legion members can now enter this Battlefield to confront terrible monsters and compete with rival elites for their Legion. The Legion that finally occupies the Kings Battlefield will become the Champion Legion of the week and enjoy the most benefits including Merit rewards and permit to enter starry treasury in the week ahead.


Rules of Legion Championship


  • Legion Championship is from 20:00 to 20:45 every Saturday.
  • Attacking Legion
  • There are 15 Energy Stations in the battlefield and 5 of them are senior stations.
  • All members of Attacking Legions have only one objective that is to occupy as many Energy Stations as possible and try the best to keep them.
  • Attacking Legions gain Star Energy from the stations they has occupied. The Legion that first accumulates a certain amount of Star Energy during the 45-min battle achieve victory.
  • Defending Legion

The Defending Legion that is the Champion Legion last week needs to prevent Attacking Legions occupying Energy Stations in 45 minutes.

  • How to Win
  • Attacking Legion: first collects 200,000 Energy Points in 45 minutes to win;
  • Defending Legion: prevent Attacking Legions collecting 200,000 energy Points in 45 minutes to be reigning champion.
  • Requirement

All Legion members can enter the Kings Battlefield to fight for the Legion Championship.


Kings Battlefield
There are 2 ways to enter the Battlefield:

  • The system will remind heroes of the Legion Championship via the [Legion] channel 3 minutes before the battle starts. Heroes who accept the invite link will get teleported to the Kings Battlefield.
  • Go find Muche (240,444) in Cronus City. He`ll send you to the Kings Battlefield.


Legion Championship – Camp & Reviving Spot

  • Defending Legion has its own camp for members to revive.
  • Attacking Legion (with camp):
  • Buy Camp: From 18:00 to 23:00 on the day before the Legion Championship, Legion Leader or Deputy Leader can find Quartermaster Muche (261,493) in Cronus City and pay 3,000 神域水晶 to buy a camp exclusive for his Legion. The purchased camp is effective for once only. There are only 5 camps available. First come first served.
  • Camp Effect: Legion will have 2 extra reviving spots after buying a camp, and its members can revive in the camp or at 2 reviving spots (by random). The members in their exclusive camp or the reviving spots will be well protected.
  • Attacking Legion (without camp): Legion members will revive in the public camp.


Legion Championship – Star Energy

  • Energy Station

There are 15 Energy Stations in the Kings Battlefield, and 5 of them are senior stations. Attacking Legions can collect Star Energy by occupying these Energy Stations. The senior stations provide more Star Energy.

How to Occupy:
Locate an Energy Station and then click it to start focusing the power to occupy it. The more people from the same Legion clicking this station at a time, the bigger chance of this Legion winning the station. It allows up to 5 people clicking a station at a time.

When an Energy Station is occupied, the Defending Legion can reoccupy it in the similar way mentioned above to prevent this station from providing Energy Points for Attacking Legion.  

  • Wild Hunting

Killing monsters in the Kings Battlefield can also bring Energy Points. Please note that defeating the Bosses in the Battlefield will provide you not only Energy but also different buffs (more details are described in the monster part). Do not miss this easy and safe way to collect Energy Points.


Legion Championship – Wild Bosses

  • Hurricane Lord Wellington

Wellington is one of the Four Lords of the Battlefield who has great power of hurricane. The Legion that defeats Wellington will take control of the hurricane that makes all members move faster.
Hurricane Buff: Speeds up all members’ movement in the Kings Battlefield.
Follower: Doom Warrior

  • Astrologist Ell

Ell is one of the Four Lords of the Battlefield who controls the magic of mystery. The Legion that defeats Ell will take over his magic that reduces all members’ cost for casting skills.
Mystery Buff: Reduces all members’ cost for casting skill.
Follower: Doom Warrior

  •  Brilliant Speyer

Speyer is one of the Four Lords of the Battlefield who is associated with the power of light. The Legion that defeats Speyer will receive his power that speed up all members’ collection of Star Energy.
Glory Buff: Speeds up all members’ collection of Star Energy.
Follower: Doom Warrior

  • Jinx Baldwin

Baldwin is one of the Four Lords of the Battlefield who keeps a breakthrough force. The hero who defeats Baldwin will get higher Battle Power.
Force Buff: Increase a hero’s Battle Power in the Kings Battlefield.
Follower: Doom Warrior