Forge Domain

New Curios Storyline Eternal Forest Tree Realm
Curio Suits Immortal Curio Forge Domain Curio Forge



Forge Domain


From June 5


Pass the Curio Promotion challenge to promote the Curio Phase.


All servers


Upgrade the Immortal Curio to +12 (max)

Participation Times



Forge Domain


Sacred Envoy Mikaro
Forge Domain (76,83)

Brief Walkthrough

1. When an Immortal Curio reaches +12, the max bonus level, you may enter "Forge Domain" to take the Curio Promotion challenge through [Curio] - [Curio Composing].
2. With the assistance of the Sacred Envoy Mikaro, you can place the corresponding Curio into the Forge Array. Under the assault of monsters, maintain the flame intensity of the Forging Fire, continuously refining the Curio to promote its phase.
3. The successfully promoted Immortal Curio can be further composed to increase its bonus level.
4. Challengers can invite other heroes to assist in battle. Assistants who complete the promotion challenge will have the chance to receive Prayer Ores (Enduring) (B) or Ancient Genesis Stones II (B). (Each hero can receive a maximum of 3 assist rewards per day.)
Note: During the challenge, you can use the Ally Emblem at any time to quickly invite other heroes to join the battle!

Detailed Walkthrough

The Forge Domain, a mysterious space hidden within the Divine Domain.

When an Immortal Curio reaches +12, the max bonus level, you may enter "Forge Domain" to take the Curio Promotion challenge through [Curio] - [Curio Composing].

Upon entering the "Forge Domain", you are immediately blocked by powerful magic. You must first infuse the power into the Sacred Pillar to unlock the path forward.

Once the path is open, hurry and find Sacred Envoy Mikaro for a chat!

To promote a Curio, you need to place it in the Forge Array, allowing it to break its limits and gain greater divine power!

With everything ready, find Mikaro to start the Curio Promotion challenge!

Before you begin, Mikaro advises that the challenge is quite difficult. It's recommended to find partners to help, making the promotion challenge smoother.

Following Mikaro's advice, you invited your friends to join the battle.

Note: During the challenge, you can use the Ally Emblem at any time to quickly invite other heroes to join the battle!

As soon as the challenge began, the environment in the Forge Domain changed dramatically due to the natural power contained in the Immortal Curio.

Although captivated by the sight, don't forget your main task. To complete the Curio Promotion challenge, you must now ignite the Forging Fire on the Sacred Altar.

According to the rules, you need to click on the Sacred Altar to ignite the Forging Fire and enter the "Forging State". The longer you stay in this state, the higher the flame intensity, and the faster the promotion rate.

However, during forging, it will attract monsters to plunder the energy emitted by the Curio, affecting the challenge progress.

The challenge will fail if the challenger is defeated.

You remember Mikaro's advice clearly.

Sure enough, before long, a horde of monsters appears, relentlessly advancing towards the Sacred Altar.

To ensure the success of the Curio Promotion challenge, you must maintain the flame intensity of the Forging Fire. The flame intensity is divided into 5 tiers - the longer you remain in the "Forging State", the higher the flame intensity. If you move or engage in combat, the state will be canceled. When not in the "Forging State", the flame intensity will not change for a short period, but if the state is canceled for too long, the flame intensity will decrease until it extinguishes.

Wave after wave of monsters attack, and you struggle to fight while keeping the flame strong, feeling immense pressure.

Fortunately, with the support and assistance of your pals, you feel more confident about the Curio Promotion challenge.

After a fierce battle, you finally succeed in completing the Curio Promotion challenge!

The refinement of your Curio is complete. Now, quickly find Mikaro to finalize the last step of the Curio promotion!

As the surging natural energy fills the entire Forge Domain, you know your Curio has successfully promoted! Your pals have also received their respective assist rewards.

At this moment, you feel extremely excited and thrilled, not only because of the powerful energy radiating from your promoted Curio but also because of the trust and exhilaration from fighting alongside your pals!