
New L80 Divine Fire

You can upgrade your Divine Level through quests like L80 Divine Mainline, Space of Doom, Chaosacre, Treasure Raider, and Blood and Fortune!

The higher the Divine Level and Divine Fire Level, the better the rewards!

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(Details are subject to the in-game content.)


Slot 1 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
4615 13855 1385 4145 60 80
Slot 2 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
4154 12454 1846 5546 1313 2093
Slot 3 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
2769 8309 3231 9691 60 80
Slot 4 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
3692 11072 2308 6928 1313 2093
Slot 5 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
3231 9691 2769 8309 60 80
Slot 6 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
1846 5546 4154 12454 1313 2093
Slot 7 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
2308 6928 3692 11072 60 80
Slot 8 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
1385 4145 4615 13855 1313 2093
Divine Fire Slot: 1,2,4,5
Quality Crit ATK Crit DMG
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Dragon Candle (Legendary) 405 980 685 1630
Divine Fire Slot: 3,6,7,8
Quality Crit ATK Crit DMG
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Dragon Candle (Legendary) 685 1630 405 980
Suit One-piece Effect 3-piece Effect 5-piece Effect 8-piece Effect
0-star Dragon Breath Divine DMG +264 Crit ATK +1095 Crit DMG+1095

Acquires the L1 “Dragon Breath” (Usual: Crit ATK +200, Crit DMG +200, Divine DMG +250; Attacking: Crit ATK +800, Crit DMG +800; Lasts for 20s; Can be trigger once every 60s).

1-star Dragon Breath Divine DMG +520 Crit ATK +2043 Crit DMG+2043

Acquires the L2 “Dragon Breath” (Usual: Crit ATK +400, Crit DMG +400, Divine DMG +500; Attacking: Crit ATK +1600, Crit DMG +1600; Lasts for 20s; Can be trigger once every 60s).

2-star Dragon Breath Divine DMG +960 Crit ATK +3284 Crit DMG+3284

Acquires the L3 “Dragon Breath” (Usual: Crit ATK +600, Crit DMG +600, Divine DMG +750; Attacking: Crit ATK +2500, Crit DMG +2500; Lasts for 20s; Can be trigger once every 60s).

3-star Dragon Breath Divine DMG +1400 Crit ATK +4380 Crit DMG+4300

Acquires the L4 “Dragon Breath” (Usual: Crit ATK +800, Crit DMG +800, Divine DMG +1000; Attacking: Crit ATK +3200, Crit DMG +3200; Lasts for 20s; Can be trigger once every 60s).

Slot 1 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
3462 10382 1038 3118 54 74
Slot 2 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
3115 9355 1385 4145 1181 1881
Slot 3 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
2077 6237 2423 7263 54 74
Slot 4 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
2769 8309 1731 5191 1181 1881
Slot 5 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
2423 7263 2077 6237 54 74
Slot 6 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
1385 4145 3115 9355 1181 1881
Slot 7 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
1731 5191 2769 8309 54 74
Slot 8 Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
1038 3118 3462 10382 1181 1881
Divine Fire Slot: 1,2,4,5
Quality Crit ATK Crit DMG
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Polar Flame (Legendary) 225 544 380 905
Divine Fire Slot: 3,6,7,8
Quality Crit ATK Crit DMG
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Polar Flame (Legendary) 380 905 225 544
Suit One-piece Effect 3-piece Effect 5-piece Effect 8-piece Effect
0-star Polar Spark Divine DMG +224 Divine DMG +1000 Divine DMG +1200 Acquires the L1 “Polar Spark” (Usual: Divine DMG +400; Attacking: Divine DMG +1650; Lasts for 20s; Can be trigger once every 60s).
1-star Polar Spark Divine DMG +336 Divine DMG +1400 Divine DMG +1800 Acquires the L2 “Polar Spark” (Usual: Divine DMG +600; Attacking: Divine DMG +2400; Lasts for 20s; Can be trigger once every 60s).
2-star Polar Spark Divine DMG +448 Divine DMG +2000 Divine DMG +2500 Acquires the L3 “Polar Spark” (Usual: Divine DMG +800; Attacking: Divine DMG +3300; Lasts for 20s; Can be trigger once every 60s).
3-star Polar Spark Divine DMG +520 Divine DMG +2700 Divine DMG +3400 Acquires the L4 “Polar Spark” (Usual: Divine DMG +1070; Attacking: Divine DMG +4400; Lasts for 20s; Can be trigger once every 60s).
Quality Position Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Refined) Slot 1 743 2228 223 668 36 41
Hope Torch (Rare) 1200 3600 360 1080 42 52
Hope Torch (Epic) 1846 5536 554 1664 48 63
Quality Position Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Refined) Slot 2 669 2009 297 892 788 1263
Hope Torch (Rare) 1080 3240 480 1440 919 1469
Hope Torch (Epic) 1662 4992 738 2208 1050 1680
Quality Position Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Refined) Slot 3 446 1336 520 1560 36 41
Hope Torch (Rare) 720 2160 840 2520 42 52
Hope Torch (Epic) 1108 3328 1292 3872 48 63
Quality Position Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Refined) Slot 4 595 1785 372 1117 788 1263
Hope Torch (Rare) 960 2880 600 1800 919 1469
Hope Torch (Epic) 1477 4432 923 2768 1050 1680
Quality Position Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Refined) Slot 5 520 1560 446 1336 36 41
Hope Torch (Rare) 840 2520 720 2160 42 52
Hope Torch (Epic) 1292 3872 1108 3328 48 63
Quality Position Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Refined) Slot 6 297 892 669 2009 788 1263
Hope Torch (Rare) 480 1440 1080 3240 919 1469
Hope Torch (Epic) 738 2208 1662 4992 1050 1680
Quality Position Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD HP
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Refined) Slot 7 372 1117 595 1785 36 41
Hope Torch (Rare) 600 1800 960 2880 42 52
Hope Torch (Epic) 923 2768 1477 4432 48 63
Quality Position Divine DMG EUD Divine DMG EUD Resilience
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Refined) Slot 8 223 668 743 2228 788 1263
Hope Torch (Rare) 360 1080 1200 3600 919 1469
Hope Torch (Epic) 554 1664 1846 5536 1050 1680
Divine Fire Slot: 1,2,4,5
Quality Crit ATK Crit DMG
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Rare) 114 276 193 458
Hope Torch (Epic) 153 370 259 615
Divine Fire Slot: 3,6,7,8
Quality Crit ATK Crit DMG
Standard Value Limit Value Standard Value Limit Value
Hope Torch (Rare) 193 458 114 276
Hope Torch (Epic) 259 615 153 370
Suit One-piece Effect 3-piece Effect 5-piece Effect 8-piece Effect
Hope Glow Divine DMG +200 Divine DMG +500 Divine DMG +800 Acquires Hope Glow (Usual: Divine DMG +330; Attacking: Divine DMG +1450; Lasts for 20s; Can be trigger once every 60s).


Quest Difficulty Level Divine Fire Equipment Recommendation Power of Divine Fire Recommendation
Green Mirage Normal 6 Chaotic Star Spirits + 2 Phosphorus Shines, +15 30000+
8 Hope Torches, +5
Hard 8 Chaotic Star Spirits, +20 40000+
3 Polar Flames + 5 Hope Torches, +15
Hell 5 Undying Star Souls + 3 Chaotic Star Spirits, +20 50000+
5 Polar Flames + 3 Hope Torches, +15
Sin Cave Normal 6 Undying Star Souls + 2 Chaotic Star Spirits, +20 65000+
8 Polar Flames, +20
Hard 3 Dragon Candles + 5 Polar Flames, +20 (Recommendation: 1-star 3-piece Dragon Breath, Crit Chance 18%, Crit DMG Chance 180%) 75000+
Hell 5 Dragon Candles + 3 Polar Flames, +20 (Recommendation: 2-star 5-piece Dragon Breath, Crit Chance 32%, Crit DMG Chance 232%) 85000+
Dragon Vein Normal 6 Dragon Candles + 2 Polar Flames, +20 (Recommendation: 1-star 8-piece Dragon Breath, Crit Chance 38%, Crit DMG Chance 245%) 95000+
Hard 8 Dragon Candles, +20 (Recommendation: 1-star 8-piece Dragon Breath, Crit Chance 45%, Crit DMG Chance 260%) 100000+
Hell 8 Dragon Candles, +20 (Recommendation: 2-star 8-piece Dragon Breath, Crit Chance 50%, Crit DMG Chance 280%) 108000+

Official content of the quest is subject to the information in the game.

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More detailed walkthroughs are coming soon!


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