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Necro Realm P8 - Radcliff

Necro Realm P8 - Radcliff

Type: Mage, Necro Eudemon
(Can be summoned from the Necro Realm by the Necromancers)

Necro Realm P8 - Radcliff

Necro Realm P8 - Radcliff

Necro Realm P8 - Radcliff

In the lost ages, Radcliff is one of the dark forces who help early humans ward off demons` invasions. When peace returned to Cronus, Radcilff concealed itself, waiting for the next summoning from necromancers.
Initial Stats Value
Initial HP 367
Initial M-Def 99
Initial P-Def 90
Initial Min M-Atk 83
Initial Max M-Atk 99
Initial Min P-Atk 10
Initial Max P-Atk 20
Major Stats Value
Max HP GR 93.75
Minor Stats Value
Max P-Def GR 20
Max M-Def GR 12.5
Min P-Atk GR 2.5
Max M-Atk GR 30
Max P-Atk GR 5
Min M-Atk GR 30
Misc Value
Rarity 0