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Necro Realm P6 - Echo

Necro Realm P6 - Echo

Type: Mage, Necro Eudemon
(Can be summoned from the Necro Realm by the Necromancers)

Echo has an appetite for turning all the lands it conquered into dark gardens. Compared with rose fragrance, the smell of death attracts this infernal creature more.
Initial Stats Value
Initial HP 290
Initial M-Def 99
Initial P-Def 90
Initial Min M-Atk 83
Initial Max M-Atk 99
Initial Min P-Atk 10
Initial Max P-Atk 20
Major Stats Value
Max HP GR 75
Minor Stats Value
Max P-Def GR 22.5
Max M-Def GR 12.5
Min P-Atk GR 2.5
Max M-Atk GR 30
Max P-Atk GR 5
Min M-Atk GR 20
Misc Value
Rarity 0