Treasure Seeking

Eudemons Intro Treasure Seeking Skill Intro Divine Gears Sacrifice Assisting & Inheritance

Under the guidance of the Dragon Prophet, the Five Tiger Generals can use the Star Finder and consume Universe Amulets to search for their lost divine gears (including [Weapons] [Mounts] [Spirits] and [Seals]).

Obtain Divine Gears via Treasure Seeking





Normal Seal

Advanced Seal

Normal Suit

Advanced Suit

Tiger General Guan Yu

Crescent Blade

Red Flash

Spirit of Valiance

Valiance Stamp

Valiance Seal

Martial Saint

Epic Martial Saint

Tiger General Zhang Fei

Snake Spear

Dark Killer

Spirit of Daring

Daring Stamp

Daring Seal

Rampant Evil

Battle Evil

Tiger General Ma Chao

Golden Tiger Spear

Sand Storm

Spirit of Bravery

Bravery Stamp

Bravery Seal

Valiant Manner

Brilliant Rider

Tiger General Huang Zhong

Vulture Bow

Wild Fire

Spirit of Fortitude

Fortitude Stamp

Fortitude Seal

Eagle Shooter

Decisive Shot

Tiger General Zhao Yun

Silver Dragon Spear

Jade Lion

Spirit of Valor

Valor Stamp

Valor Seal

Righteous Bearing

Silver Spear

The Annual Eudemons you pick will be sacrificed, assisting the Five Tiger Generals in Treasure Seeking. After assisting, the Five Tiger Generals will receive 1 free Treasure Seeking chance, and then every Treasure Seeking will grant you an exclusive weapon, and may increase the probability of obtaining an exclusive mount.

Note: In addition to finding the lost divine gears for the Five Tiger Generals, Treasure Seeking may also give you Universe Amulet Shards, Rare Panaceas, etc.

When seeking divine gears, if the score of the new component is lower than the score of the currently equipped component, confirming the replacement will directly replace it with the lower-scored component. The original component will not be retained, so please proceed with caution.


Miracle Point & Suit Guarantee

Miracle Point

Every Treasure Seeking gives the Five Tiger Generals 20 Miracle Points. When it reaches 100 points, the next Treasure Seeking will not require Universe Amulets but will consume 100 Miracle Points. Moreover, during this seeking, the probability of obtaining all exclusive divine gears will be increased.

Guaranteed Times

150 times of Treasure Seeking definitely grants you a Normal Suit (Score: 1000 Pts), and 300 times will grant you an Advanced Suit (Score: 1200 Pts).

Note: The guaranteed times will change with the sacrifice of the Annual Eudemons - sacrificing a specified Annual Eudemon ensures obtaining an exclusive weapon, and may also increase the probability of obtaining an exclusive mount.