Eclipsed Star

Murk Field Star Palace Eclipsed Star


Eclipsed Star


Phosphorus Shine
When Star Spirits awaken from the chaotic mind, the eternal night disappears.

Chaotic Star Spirit
When Star Spirits embrace dark shadows, creation and destruction begin to coexist.


All servers


Level 130, Divine Level 75

Challenge Times

Pass forbidden lands in Ancient Fire Tomb up to twice a day


Eclipsed Star

Key NPCs

Supervisor of Fire Tomb Gea (Cronus 242,483)
Eclipsed Star Explorer Cowles (Eclipsed Star 341,215)

Brief Walkthrough

1. Heroes reaching Divine Level 75 can talk to Gea in Cronus (242,483) to enter Eclipsed Star in Ancient Fire Tomb.
2. Eclipsed Star is divided into Normal, Hard and Hell:
·The HP of Eclipsed Lord’s left arm, right arm and main body are separated. You must defeat them one after another.
·If you defeat the main boy before the left and right arm, Eclipsed Lord will be weakened.
·When the left/right arm is defeated, Eclipsed Lord will become stronger.
·After defeating all parts of Eclipsed Lord, you still need to defeat Real Eclipsed Lord. 
Note: As the difficulty level goes up, the situations mentioned above may be stacked.
3. All healing methods in Eclipsed Star won’t be working, but you may get 7% of your Max SP restored every 5 seconds.
4. You’ve got only 6 minutes to challenge Eclipsed Lord. He’ll be invincible after 6 minutes.
5. Open the Conquest Box to claim the rewards if you win.
6. Please note that you can pass forbidden lands in Ancient Fire Tomb up to twice a day.