Light up Anniversary Painting


During EO 16th Anniversary, players can light up the Anniversary Painting to get great rewards. 



June 2, 2022 - June 30, 2022


Character Level reach L90 or above


• Submit a certain number of Aura Shards to light up a random area of Anniversary Painting.

• Submit Aura Gems to light up the designated area of Anniversary Painting.

• When you successfully unlock a vertical or horizontal row, you can claim corresponding rewards.

• When you light up the entire Anniversary Painting, you will get fabulous rewards!

[How to get Aura Shards]

• You can obtain up to 10 Aura Shards from Treasure Raider every day.

• Pass a random level of Dragon Sword Land to get up to 10 Aura Shards every day.

• Complete Blood and Fortune to get up to 5 Aura Shards every day.

• Open the Anniversary Glory Box to get up to 3 Aura Shards every day.

• You can pay EPs to buy it.

[How to get Aura Gems]

• Pass Hero Dragon Sword Land (Hard)/(Hell) for a chance to get Aura Gems.

• You can pay EPs to buy it.