New Expansion Pre-Quest 2 - Way to Relics
Have you finished the last mission of killing the mysterious beast around Cronus? Here comes one more important task, Way to Relics! Anyone who is level 50 or above can join in to win Ocean Cards, EXP Balls, and even chances to play the special lottery!
Duration: 20:00 - 23:00 Dec. 8th - 21st
Collect Four Essences to visit Sky Yard
Talk to Orlando to get a Crystal Ball. Use the Crystal Ball to collect Earth, Water, Fire, and Air Essences at the corresponding places! Infuse the essences to the elemental stones to gain the chance of visiting Sky Yard, if the Elemental Altar is set up.
Special Lottery once a day
Speak to Delia in Sky Yard(83,78), answer 3 of her questions, and you can play the special lottery, once a day at most. The lottery will be available from Dec 10th - 22nd. What's more, you can read the Steles to learn information about Legion Eudemons!
Click here to view the detailed walkthrough of this quest.
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