Make A Fortune in the Mad Market!
Rumor has it that the Mystery Mage will use his evil magic to reveal the Treasure Boxes of all the merchants in Cronus! Whether you believe in good or evil, it's certainly a good chance to increase your own fortunes! Join Market Madness on Nov. 12th and 13th to see if you can make your coffers grow!
Finder's Keepers!
Those merchants' hidden Treasure Boxes will be revealed when the evil magic spreads over the land. Isn't it exciting? Take your weapon and crack open those boxes to get the devious merchants' precious treasure!
Swift Escape
Once you start stealing from others, you'd better get out of the city as soon as possible! Otherwise you may get arrested and sent to the jail. Go find a nice, quiet place to hide, and then you can start tallying up your big score!
Click here to view the details of the quest.
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