Facebook Event: Free EPs, Everyday! (Sep.8-12)
Here comes another great opportunity to get some free EPs, just for having fun on Facebook! You simply need to post on the wall of EO's Facebook page about anything from your gaming experience in Eudemons Online, such as your most memorable events and quests, love and romance you've had, or even the funniest moments you've had in-game. You can post videos, screenshots, or just something short and sweet, but don't forget to leave your character name and server!
Duration: Sep. 8th – Sep.12th (PDT)
Reward: 135 EPs
We'll randomly select 2 lucky players each day, at 19:00(PDT). The more "likes" or "comments" you get, the more likely you're going to get free EPs! Come and join us on Facebook and you could be a winner!
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