Replies to Player Questions!
The third expansion, Edge of Night, was officially released on June 30th. We've noticed that some of you are still confused about this new Vampire class and the new functions. We'd like to provide you with a short FAQ to help you get to know the new content better.
Q: Why can Vampires only summon two Eudemons, instead of three?
A: Actually, Vampires can summon three Eudemons. Vampires are permanently converged with a Eudemon, known as the Blood Soul, which will not show in the Eudemons list. Thus, Vampires can only summon two extra Eudemons, besides the Blood Soul.
Q: How can we get the Vampire mount?
A: It's easy! Simply by building the Star Level of your Blood Soul. When the Blood Soul reaches 10-Star, you will gain the skill "Soul Steed". Move it to your hotkeys to cast the skill and mount the horse.
Q: How can we use the Blood Soul gifts?
A: Blood Souls can have gifts, just like the other Eudemons, but some of them need to be set to a hotkey before you can use it.
Q: How does the Apotheosis quest work on the Blood Soul?
A: When the Vampire character becomes Divine, the Blood Soul will be Divine as well, no matter what level it is.
Q: How does the skill "Soul Touch" work?
A: The target of this skill can only be players who are ranked in the Celebrity Hall. Please note that this skill is only available in PK mode. That means your name will be blinking blue after using the skill.
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