GM Note: Keep Away from Bots and Bugs
TQ Digital has always been devoted to providing a level playing field for all players. Any activities not intended by game design which affect the game's operation, the client, or player's characters can all have a tremendous negative impact on the potential enjoyment of all players. The effects of these actions take many forms, including creating unfair advantages for the abusers, server instability, and allowing unauthorized access to accounts, computers, and player data. Thus, we take the following issues very seriously, and will take swift and decisive action on all players involved in these malicious activities in our games. Found below are some of the guidelines detailing what actions could be taken upon discovering evidence of these activities. We reserve the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis, and in extreme cases, could take action beyond what is described here.
Bug Abuse
We have a top tier team, who work tirelessly to stamp out bugs and promote game development. However, even a group of trained professionals can never isolate and resolve each and every bug in such a deep and complex game that can be accessed simultaneously by thousands of players. Because of that, you may come across the occasional bug while playing the game. Some bugs are minor and do not affect gameplay, but sometimes these bugs can be used to provide an unfair advantage to certain players or affect the service itself. Factors included in determining the appropriate penalty:
*Whether or not the bug is used intentionally, maliciously, or repeatedly.
*Whether or not the bug can damage another player's gameplay, the service itself, or interfere in its normal operation.
*Whether or not an attempt has been made to conceal the abuse or the benefits gained from it.
If a player is found to have abused a bug, he/she may:
*Be given a verbal warning, if bug use is unintentional and no attempt has been made to hide its occurrence.
*Be temporarily banned.
*In extreme cases, the account will be permanently banned.
Unapproved Third Party Software/Cheat Programs
A third party program is any file or program that is not released by TQ as a part of the game, and is used to gain an advantage over others in the game, such as increasing your movement speed or weapon skills beyond what is permitted by game design. It also includes any programs that obtain information from the game that is not normally available to the regular player. External programs can also be used to transmit viruses, spyware, and other unwanted programs into a player's computer, while often such third party programs are used to obtain information from the user's computer, such as account name, password, and personal information. If a player is found to have used such a program, he/she may:
*Be temporarily/permanently banned
*Have further action taken, based on the intent of the program
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