Birmingham/London Server Merge on Jan. 17th
Attention, EO Players!
We are pleased to inform you that the Birmingham server will be merged into the London server, on 16:00 January 17th, 2011 GMT. All of the character data from the original server will be completely transferred to the new server upon completion. After the merge, players will be able to log into the merged server from their respective locations in the server list. All of the players in the newly merged London server will be awarded 7 days of Double Experience, beginning at 8:00 am on Jan. 17th, and lasting until 8:00 am on Jan. 24th (GMT).
Birmingham + London = London
The character level, items, gold and Eudemons stored in inventories, warehouses, Eudemon Warehouses and Eudemon Hatchers will be completely retained.
If you have two characters on both merged servers, but under the same account, you will need to delete the one you do not wish to save, before the servers are merged. Otherwise, the character on the Birmingham server will be automatically overwritten during the merge. (The character can be retrieved via the Mannequin System).
You can even retrieve your previously deleted characters by following the instructions below:
You can find your deleted characters by opening your Mannequin window, after the current character has reached Level 50 (if you already have more than 5 mannequins currently on London, you can delete the mannequins you don't need, to restore mannequins you do need.)
Click on the "Login" button, and the offline character will come online, together with the other online characters.
If you want all mannequin characters to be online, just click on the button "Login All". All the lost items will also remain on the deleted characters.
After the two servers are merged:
1. After server merge, players can log into the merged server from their original locations on the server list. The Eudemon IDs will be kept. As such, two different Eudemons may share the same Eudemon ID in the new server.
2. The occupied family maps will be cleared.
3. The occupied legion maps will be cleared.
4. For conflicting booths owned from the original servers, only the more valuable one will be kept. The income from the less valuable one will be returned to its owner.
5. For conflicting castles owned from the original servers, only the more valuable one will be kept. The income from the less valuable one will be returned to its owner.
6. All castles created by players will be kept. You can go to the market (293,447) in Cronus to be teleported to the castle maps, and then ask Abby to send you to your castle.
7. Please do not auction for 24 hours before the server merged! Items in the Auction House will be cleared after the servers are merged, and any items still remaining will be lost!
8. Duplicate character names, family names and legion names will be automatically changed by the system. You can find Eric (293,435) in Cronus to change your name, if it was automatically changed during the merge.
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