Fabulous March in EO - Updates Preview
New Eudemons
1. Scorpio Eudemons: The new Astral Eudemon stars will be coming on Mar.5th.
2. Eidolon O: With its holy and pure soul, it can be used as the minor eudemon in the composition of Divine Eudemons. Coming soon!
3. Sagittarius Eudemon: Coming soon, at the end of March!
New Quests
1. New Players - Daily Double-Exp Quests: Leveling fast is not a dream!
2. Veterans - Demon Hell: Prepare yourself for the new episode of Demon Rising! Join the battle with the evil demons! Legends will arise!
3. Divine Player - Godship Switch: Not happy with your Godship? Then switch!
New Function: Soul Composing
Faster and stronger, it will fully unleash your Divine Eudemons' power by composing Eidolon O as the minor Eudemon.
1. Spring Gift Giveaway Event (Mar.6th - Mar.20th): All the players at level 50 or above will receive a gift pack the first time they login during the event. Each account can only claim the prizes once. The pack will be given to the main character, so don't forget to check the rewards and set your main character carefully before the event starts.
2. 14-Day Free Trail of VIP Services: All the non-VIP players of level 90 or above will be granted a 2 week free trail of VIP level 1 services during the event.
3. Demon Rising Screenshot & Video Promotion Event: Promote EO screenshots and videos to win free lottery tickets! 100% rate!
More details will be coming soon! We'll keep you updated!
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