Cancer Eudemons Coming in October
Every coin has two sides. As you know from experience, books are best judged
by their content.
It is said that Eudemons were transformed from deities,
they were even considered to be divine beings. We can say with a degree of
certainty that this is true. But you must also realize that long long ago, the
difference between devils and gods lays only in a name.
So, in time, we
will discover some Eudemons that spring forth from the unknown shadow.
Cancer Eudemons are here. Are you ready to choose justice and not fall to their sinister sway? Can you really manage to summon and control them all? We'll see.
Check here to download the Cancer Wallpaper.
Astral Eudemons - Cancer Queen
An excellent warrior in the battle, she strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies. In her mind, eradicating all who stand against her is the best way to show respect towards her enemies. When you meet her on the field of battle, run away!
Astral Eudemons - Cancer Princess
No one knows where she came from. If you think of her as a fairy princess because of her fantastic appearance and golden armor, you are making a big mistake. It is said that she has sealed within herself the power to destroy the very world we stand on. Even devils may cry when they find themselves her enemy!
Astral Mount - Golden Cancer
Once the mount of an ancient demon who harnessed the fires of
doom and burnt his target into ashes, this Eudemon is empowered by the dark
fires of the abyss. Be prepared to eat some fiery dust if you plan on taking on
this Eudemon.
Astral Mount - Pale Cancer
Once a servant of an ancient demon who mastered the frost,
this Eudemon is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Anything that
approaches with hostile intent will be frozen by its icy breath.
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