Come On! Christmas Batch Hatch!
On the night before Christmas, all across the world, millions of children will be tucked in their beds while "visions of sugarplums dance in their heads." When they awake, they'll find Eudemons mages in festive dress, to hand out Eudemons Eggs to you! Roll out of your bed and join the Christmas Batch Hatch! Perhaps, you will be amongst the lucky participators and the top prize will be sent your home!
Duration: Dec.22nd, 2008 - Jan.5th, 2009 Rules 1. Each character can only play the game 5 times a day. 2. The server that you claim the prize from should be the same as the one you login on the page. 3. If there are many characters within the same account (Mannequins), only the main character can redeem the prizes. Prizes: You will have a chance to win the following prizes.
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